
The return.

It’s been more than a week since I last posted, almost a month that our internet connection at work crashed, 2 weeks since my car got hit. What’s new since then? Well, I finally got my signal and brake lights fixed, thank God! My friend was able to hook me up with a great deal to fix the electrical wiring for my rear lights, now they are working perfectly fine. I just need a new cover for my right rear lights because, currently, it’s covered my red plastic. haha
Our office is falling apart. One by one, our computers are slowly breaking down. I really wish we would hire a professional who could actually hook us up properly, and not rely on “home remedies” which clearly isn’t working at all. How can we run a business without a properly functioning office? Oh well… I just hope we get new computers or something.

I just recently got back from a weekend up north for a couple of concerts with Papuri, and we didn’t even have time to go around and just take in some sights. We had a friend along who’s never been to San Francisco. It was her first visit, so we were hoping to take her around, but we just didn’t have enough time. Maybe some other time. Just visit SF without singing obligations.

On a different note…

Why is it hard for some people to accept the fact that they just need to move on? Look to the future. The past is just holding you back. Trust that God has something better in store for you.

On to more trivial stuff…

Anyone want to see The Last Legion with me? Colin Firth-y as (King) Arthur… C’mon now! I gotta go see that!

Heroes (Season 1) is coming out on DVD this Tuesday, Aug 28th!