
Another uneventful post.

I don’t quite understand why people like to put up pictures on the internet of themselves, incredibly inebriated, crawling on the floor, looking really ridiculous. Are those pictures supposed to make them look appealing? Attractive? Cool? What kind of a purpose do those pictures serve? I just don’t get it.

I want to take voice lessons again. I miss singing in the classical style. I really believe my voice was in the best shape when I was in college. I was watching Kristen Chenoweth on The View earlier this morning, and when they asked her to sing (she’s classically trained, by the way), I felt a tinged of envy. *sigh* I wasn’t overtly envious, but I felt a smidgeon of it. Maybe I should dig up my old books from school and try to get my voice back in shape. Honestly, my vibrato is slower right now, it gets a bit frustrating.