
Long overdue update.

How long will you run with the world? How long will you try to fill
the void in your heart with things that fester and disintegrate? Are you
content in sitting in your own dirt? You’re so comfortable in the waste that is
your sin. Why don’t you stand and clean yourself up? You’re just
willing to sit with the pigs than get up and go back to your home. Scrape
the hardening mud from your heart. Is the veil over your eyes so thick,
that you don’t see your own image in the mirror? Did you forget what He’s
done for you? On that fateful day, dark and dreary, He hung on the cross,
so you can live a life of freedom. Free from the bondage of your sins.

My heart is heavy right now. The previous paragraph was written with Christians in mind. Well, so-called “Christians” that is. They’re so content in keeping up with the trappings of this world, and for what? Where do you find the purpose in all of that? You can never find satisfaction in what the world has to offer. It’s a lot easier to conform to the world, than go against it. Makes life easier, doesn’t it? (John 15:9) You’d rather have the world love you than hate you. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? John 12:25 says, “The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” (NIV) I’m not judging, Lord knows I’ve made that mistake many times before, but I worry about my brothers and sisters who have been living this kind of life. They know what is right in the sight of God, and they know what is wrong. They know how a Christian is suppose to live, but yet they don’t. I understand God accepts us for who we are, and will love us no matter what we do. BUT (there is a big BUT in this), He doesn’t want you to stay the way you are. He gave us the Bible to show us how to live the kind of life that He would love for us to have. A life filled with purpose and meaning. A life that can be lived to the fullest. Just because he is a forgiving God, doesn’t warrant you to go buck-wild and do whatever the heck you want to do, because you’re thinking, “He’ll forgive me anyway.” Don’t you know you are hurting Him when you do these things? When you became a child of God, you are representing Him wherever you go. And God deserves to be represented well. Remember, it’s not about me, and it’s not about you, it’s all about God. He made you for His own purpose. This may be cliché – one song says, “Only one life, so soon it will pass, only what’s done for Christ will last.” Your time on this earth is borrowed, use it wisely.