
I have not started Christmas shopping at all. And since I'm so late in the game, I'm really DREADING going to the mall and
shop. I've only a few things that I could get online. Most of the gifts I need to get for my family are such that I have to be able to see and/or touch them, before I decide to get them.

This Christmas is a little bit anti-climactic, as I just got the news that my work will be closing down, possibly by mid-January, which means that I will most likely be unemployed, unless one of the numerous places I've sent my resume' to will call me and hire me. I'm trying not to worry, and stand on the promises of the One who owns and is in control of everything. But, I can't help feeling uncertain, even though I know that the Lord is going to come through for me in His own perfect time. I really just have to put all my trust in Him, as I had done plenty of times before. Ahhh, stubborn human nature.

Yet again, the possibility of me going home to Toronto is back on the table. If things don't pan out for me here, I will most likely relocate, and my first choice would be my beloved hometown, which I have missed a great deal, Toronto.

I'm definitely doing a lot of praying, of being still and trying to discern God's will with regards to this. Regardless, God's will needs to ultimately come to pass. I need to claim Proverbs 3:5-6. To paraphrase, I need to trust the Lord with all my heart and not rely on my own understanding, or know-how. In everything I do, I need to acknowledge His sovereignty and who He is, and He will direct my path.

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