
Christmas shopping, attempt # 1

Finally braved the mall today. Thank God, I found a sweet parking spot straightaway, so that made me a bit more at ease. Walked in, and found out that it wasn't as crowded as I had anticipated! Yay! I did come away with only one item on my list, though. Found exactly what my Secret Santa giftee wanted and the line at the cash register wasn't all that long either! I tried to look around some more for other items on my list, but didn't really find exactly what I wanted to get. All-in-all, I was only at the mall approximately 20 minutes! Go, ME!

Got home and my mother told me that she bought a couple of more gifts from the list we have, so that's 2 less items I have to worry about!

I shall attempt to go again tomorrow after our church's Christmas party in the afternoon, and I'm hoping to finish up by then.

Here's to a successful shopping marathon tomorrow!

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