
Is it in you?

On the way home from Palmdale tonight, I asked my aunt to pop in my Rockapella "More Than Ever" CD. While we were listening to it, I casually mentioned that it's an a cappella group, no instruments. My aunt looked at me like I was off my rocker, but my mom chimed in and confirmed what I had just told her. My aunt was totally blown away! Couldn't believe that there were no drums and it was some guy, who's a freak of nature, doing the percussion and drums in the songs. She kept laughing everytime she heard the drums because she couldn't believe it was all produced by a person's mouth (Jeff's in particular - hehe). Looks like I turned another family member into a fan. haha Go me!

Anyway, I used "Is It In You?" as the title of this post because I was just thinking about the song on the way home as I was listening to it. I remember my cousin April and I requesting this song at their Virgin Megastore show back in May of 2000, but they said that they didn't have it ready for live performance yet, although, Jeff did mention that they would probably have it ready next time. Fast forward to 2005 - I'm still waiting! LOL

Is it In You?
Words by Scott Leonard
Performed by Rockapella

Girl it's so easy on nights like this
to become intoxicated on temporary bliss
Wooed by the twilit luxury
of the evening air, the words we share

But I'm thinkin way beyond tonight,
way beyond this view
I can feel forever laughin in you;
girl my life's on the line, are you in?

What are the odds that you could possibly feel
this kind of once-in-my-life,
this kind of change in your life's direction
The odds a smiling angel like you
could ever open her heart,
could ever show me the love I feel

Are your eyes the truth--the windows,
or just mirrors of my own?
Is It In You, Is It In You,
Is It In You to let me know?

Throughout the pages of history,
lie the tales of perfect romance turned to misery
Under the weight of a strained cliché,
with its candlelight, star-filled nights,

But I'm lookin way beyond tonight,
past this purple sky
Anyone can wish it, we can make it real
Are you ready or not, let me know

What are the odds that you could possibly feel
this kind of once-in-my-life,
this kind of change in your life's direction
The odds a smiling angel like you
could ever open her heart,
could ever show me the love I feel

Are your eyes the truth--the windows,
or just mirrors of my own?
Is It In You, Is It In You,
Is It In You to let me know?

What's stoppin you from dancin;
even if it's someone else?
Don't get too many chances;
we've only so many sunsets

What are the odds that you could possibly feel
this kind of once-in-my-life,
this kind of change in your life's direction
The odds an angel like you
could ever open her heart,
could ever show me the love I feel

Are your eyes the truth--the windows,
or just mirrors of my own?
Is It In You, Is It In You,
Is It In You to let me know?