
Good news!

Felt a little frazzled at work today. Getting ready to send out flyers to all the elementary schools in the district to promote our school and this summer musical that we're putting together. We would like to get the children in the community involved in it. So, this year will be a little extra crazy at work. Everything's happening all at the same time. In a month, we will be starting new classes, so enrollment is underway, phone calls are coming in every 5 minutes, it seems. But I just need to take a deep breath and try to relax and not get myself all riled up. I need to think about how I'm going to glorify God through this "ordeal"…LOL OK, pray for me guys!

I received some good news today that definitely made my entire month! God truly takes care of His children. He certainly is Jehovah Jireh! Awesome! Man, I was stressin' for a few weeks. I should've known better though! But, sometimes we just kind of lose focus for a bit and get caught up with our worries. We shouldn't worry. He provides! Thank you Lord!!! :-D Well, I should get some sleep soon, I'm getting the sleepies and I need to get up at the crack-o'-dawn! Nite!