
Stumbled upon this.

Saw this picture while surfing the internet. A more recent picture of The Blenders. I've only seen them twice live, the last time was in 2000 (?), but they have not returned to Cali since. They were supposed to come to Thousand Oaks, CA last year during their first Christmas tour (after they "officially" disbanded), but that show got canceled. These guys are incredible performers and their harmonies are flawless. They've got wonderful stage presence and great personalities - funny cats, I tell yah! Awww... I miss them. I was going to marry Ryan Lance too (that's him on the left). *sniff* haha just kidding! :D He was my "Twinkle Toes" because he was a ballet and tap dancer. LOL Yup, the man dances, AND well, I might add. ;) It was a toss-up between him and Jeff Thacher back in those days and I chose Jeff (Darn it! What was I thinking?! hehe, again, I'M KIDDING! :P ). Hmmm...I'm in the mood to watch their video now. Good night!

(Group picture from the Minnesota Star Tribune / Ryan photo from CNN.com)