
Dance, Dance Revolution.

For the past couple of days, my cousins and I have been heavily into DDR. For those of you who do not know what DDR is, it stands for Dance Dance Revolution. It’s a video game that requires for you to dance on a huge game pad on the floor. It’s quite addictive and fun, and it makes you sweat alot. I love to dance so it’s perfect for me, ME, who watches taped music videos for hours just to learn the dance routines. I’m not a great dancer or anything like that, but I can pick up dance steps really quickly.

Tonight, one of my favorite bands, Dakota Moon, played a gig at a NYC nitespot called The Village Underground. This is to promote their latest CD which is coming out in October. I wish I was there tonight in NYC. They’re such a great band. I’m sure that anyone will be a fan once they hear and see them perform live. They’re playing at The Whiskey in West Hollywood on August 3rd, the show starts at 9:45pm. If any of you are in the area, you should go check ‘em out. And hope to see you there!