
"Take my hand and walk..."

Well, I was late for church today. It was a good service though. We had a guest speaker today and he talked about why people need to be saved. It was very straight-forward and it also applied to those who have already accepted God’s gift of salvation.

I went to see The Kry perform at Calvary Chapel in Lakewood. It was for CC’s youth outreach night. Most of the songs that they performed were from their new CD called “Let Me Say”, but they also performed a couple of oldies-but-goodies, like “I Can’t Stop Thinking About You” and “Take My Hand.” The latter is such a beautiful song, a reminder of God’s promise that He will never leave us, nor forsake us. No matter what we’re going through, He’s always there, holding our hand. Yves (the drummer) painted a nice picture of how we should trust God. He gave an example of his son, Josh, and that whenever Josh goes on the road with him and the band, he doesn’t care where they’re going as long as he knows that daddy’s there. He trusts that his dad will bring him wherever they needed to go. We should have that child-like faith and trust that God will bring us to where we need to go.

“Just like a child, holding daddy’s hand,
Don’t let go of mine, you know you can’t stand on your own.

Take my hand and walk, where I lead
Keep your eyes on me alone,
Don’t you say “why were the old days better?”
Just because you’re scared of the unknown.
Take my hand and walk, where I lead
You will never be alone
Faith is to be sure of what you hope for
And the evidence of things unseen…”