
Visitors, roller coasters and In Harmony.

TGIF! I’m tired. It has been a long week. Actually, it’s been a long month. Cousins and friends from out-of-state (in one case, from north of the border) came and went, all within a span of 3 weeks! Of course, we had to take them out and show them around L.A. and did the amusement park thing, twice(!) in one week. Well, it was fun and all, however, I realized that after having been tossed, twisted and jerked around, that I am getting waaaayyy too old for amusement parks! Everytime I got off a ride, a body-part starts to ache. *groan* LOL ahh…I’m still feeling the after-effects of riding The Viper (3 loops and 2 corkscrews, and about 4 or 5 drops) towards the end of our Six Flags rendezvous. Ugh. Oooh! One highlight though was my friend, winning a stuffed pink pig for me! It’s soooo cute with its round cheeks and beady eyes! I call the pig Fred, and there’s a reason…but I won’t get into that now (if you’re curious as to why I named this pig Fred, just email me LOL).

Tomorrow, my cousins and I (In Harmony) are going to sing at a youth rally at the beach which is sponsored by a friend’s church. We’re trying to get as much singing as we can as a group before I leave for Toronto. It should be a good day tomorrow, haven’t been to the beach this summer yet, so I’m kinda looking forward to going and to have fellowship with other believers.