
My attempt to wean myself off of Facebook.

Can it be done? That's the million-dollar question I'm asking myself. It's so easy to get caught up on all the craziness on Facebook, that I'm contemplating on taking a break from it. I need to slowly wean myself from it. In an attempt to do so, I've decided to update my blog(s) more. I've missed blogging. I find it cathartic when I blog. Writing out your thoughts, forming your own opinions on matters that concern and interest you, and you can pretty much write whatever you want, no matter how random, trivial or mundane it is.

Here's hoping for success!


Unknown said...

how are you doing weening yourself. I didn't even temp myself with a facebook account.

Aura said...

So far, so good. I'm slowly phasing myself out of there. I probably won't completely, but I won't be on as much. I've done it before, so I figure, I can do it again. :)