
Tonight's random musings.

It boggles my mind that Boyz II Men, one of my favourite music groups ever, responds to me on Twitter. LOL My 16-yr-old self would never have thought that's even possible. Ahhh...the Internet, such a cool thing, some times. Makes the world a bit smaller, and everything immediate and accessible. But, that can also be a bad thing. People tend to abuse it.

Perhaps, that's why I'm trying to wean myself off of Facebook. It's so easy to just get into other people's business, when you really have no business getting into their business. So, the less I'm in there, the less I participate.
I see some people who just comment on every single thing that they can comment on with a whole bunch of redundant nonsense, that it's getting a bit old. And I'm thinking, "People? Life, get one." Believe me, I've already told myself to get one, a hundred times.

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