
"The Late Late Show" FAIL.

I had booked tickets to see Matt Smith on “The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson” which was yesterday. I was very excited to go to the taping because: a) I’m a HUGE Doctor Who fan (yes, I’m a Whovian), and b) I’m a HUGE Craig Ferguson fan (I love my Scots)

So, when the opportunity to go see a taping of Matt Smith going on as a guest on Craig’s show arose, I had to jump at it. Coincidentally, the taping (and the show-airing) fell on a Tuesday, which is my usual day off! So, I thought, “it’s money!”

An e-mail notification informed me that all those attending the taping need to be in line, at the CBS Studios by 3:30pm. Given, who came with me, and I thought that we could leave a little bit before 2pm, and we’d have plenty of time to get there and get in. We got to Beverly Hills around 3pm, parked at The Grove, and walked over to CBS Studios, where a fairly lengthy line had already formed. The naive person that I am thought we were going to get in for sure….. NOT. After waiting in line for about 20 minutes, we were told that the studio where Craig films his show is over-capacity, and that they couldn’t get people in anymore. My initial reaction was complete annoyance, but then, I quickly got over it, although I was still disappointed as we walked back to The Grove. I just kept reminding myself that at least it wasn’t David Tennant (my most favourite Doctor) that I’m missing out seeing, not that I don’t like Matt Smith, because I do. But I would really have pleaded and begged and made a scene if DT was the guest! I really felt bad for the die-hard Whovians who were waiting longer than I have, and couldn’t get in. One of them even drove all the way from San Diego, just to see Matt! We were walking back with a couple of them, and I was kind of eavesdropping on their conversation and they were really disappointed. I hope Craig does another “Doctor Who” Night on his show soon. OR he could have David Tennant as guest when his new movie (with Colin Farrell) “Fright Night” comes out next year!

Anyway, so that was a complete FAIL. Given and I decided to get some Starbucks to drown our sorrows in, and watch “Unstoppable” instead, starring Denzel Washington and Chris Pine. Of course, Denzel didn’t disappoint. He never fails to make me feel better, somehow. Despite the movie being so stressful, I really enjoyed it and thought it was a good movie. We capped off the night with dinner at The Cheesecake Factory next door to the movie theatre.


Unknown said...

i started watching dr. who when steven moffet took over, the whole change with matt smith and the red head. I like it. You should check out Jekyll by Moffet, Sherlock (which is a new series by Moffet) and his funny show, Coupling!

Aura said...

You should check out Doctor Who starting from when Christopher Eccleston and Russell T. Davies revived the show and continue on to David Tennant from there. I like Matt, but David is my favourite Doctor. :) I've seen Sherlock and I love it! They showed it on PBS last month. I haven't seen Jekyll yet, but will try to queue it on my Netflix. And I have all the Coupling DVDs. One of my favourite shows for sure!