
Happy Thanksgiving.

I need to do some laundry tonight. Actually, I’ll probably hold off ‘til tomorrow morning. Speaking of tomorrow, it’s Thanksgiving here in the U.S., which means, turkey, stuffing, and cranberries, oh my! Looking forward to get my grub on. I’m hoping that my coughing wouldn’t be as bad tomorrow as it is today. I actually had, for the most part, an uninterrupted sleep last night. But as soon as I woke up, the coughing ensued. I thank God for the few hours of sleep I had last night. I actually felt rested.

I just found out that some family friends suffered a loss this past weekend. We’ve know the Tabunar family from our days back in Toronto, and the dad, Gary, passed away last Sunday due to cancer. It’s always hard to lose a loved one, especially to a very devastating disease. But we are assured of the fact that he is now home with the Lord Jesus. I can imagine what the family must be going through right now. You initially go through a stage of denial. It’s like, whatever has happened isn’t real. But it just knocks you over when it finally sinks in, and you know you can’t do anything about it. Even though you know that you will see the person some day, and that he or she is in the presence of Jesus Christ, you still can’t escape the feeling of loss. We are just humans after all. It’s just a part of life. When I hear of something like this happening, especially to people that I know, it just brings back memories of my own loss – the passing of my dad. The times that you remember that they’re no longer there, are the worst times you can ever experience. Let’s keep the Tabunar family in our prayers, especially Auntie Tita.

I apologize if I’m ending this post on a somber mood. Just remember to live life worthy of the Cross. Happy thanksgiving to all!


Sleep deprived.

*sigh* I did not get any sleep at all last night. I had major coughing-fits and it kept me up all night. I was able to doze off sometime around 4am, only to be awaken by my own coughing at 8am. I’m tired. Please keep me in your prayers.

The strange thing is, I don’t get coughing fits during the day. I feel fine right at this moment. Once in a while, I would cough, but it’s not to the point where I’m about to throw up. The fits always happen at night. I’ve been taking my meds but somehow it doesn’t work AT NIGHT. *sigh* It’s exhausting being sick.

It’s very peaceful here at work right now. My co-worker just left, so I’m left all by my lonesome, just listening to the radio. I’m about to leave soon as well. I’m going home to see if I can catch up on some sleep.

I want to see Happy Feet, Stranger than Fiction, Running with Scissors, and Casino Royale. I have yet to see Flags of our Fathers. Somebody come see it with me!


“I’m bringing sexy back….*cough*-*cough*”

I’ve lost my voice. I’ve been coughing up a storm that it affected my vocal chords, so now I have this raspy, congested tone, reminiscent of Phoebe Buffay’s sexy, phlegmy voice, as she sung “sticky shoes, sticky shoes” to the tune of “Smelly Cat”. Come to think of it, almost all of her songs sound like “Smelly Cat”. Anyway, I digress. I tend to enjoy hearing myself speak whenever my throat is in this condition. I know, strange innit? It just makes me sound either mysterious, or really, really ill (take your pick – hah!). I just wish I would stop coughing. It wakes me up at night.

Today’s day 1 of our week-long break here at work, due to the Thanksgiving holidays. I’m looking forward to just enjoying this break. I’m looking forward to eating some turkey, and a tryptophan-induced coma. Mmmm…I’m salivating right now. haha! Let me take a sip of my iced, grande, Marble mocha macchiatto….aaaah, refreshing.

I had a dream last night wherein I was reunited with my old friends from college. For some reason, it made me so emotional that I started to cry. I woke up with tears running down my cheeks, but I don’t seem to remember what the dream was all about and why it caused me to cry. I’ve had dreams like that before, where I would wake up with tears in my eyes. But most of the time, I couldn’t remember why I was crying in my dream. It’s quite strange.

Well, I’ve got to get going. My co-worker’s watching the Pacquiao-Morales fight online. Everyone seems to have the Pac-man fever. LOL Speaking of fever, I feel one coming on right now, I’m going to take some Tylenol to fight it. Off to rehearsals!


I have returned!

I survived Bakersfield! I actually got sick when we got up there to sing at the CA Southern Baptist Convention, had been drinking some Airborne and sucking on Halls Vitamin C cough drops. The night we had to sing, I was feeling fine, but coughing a little bit. As soon as we were done singing, I felt the fever coming on. Finally, on our way home, after taking some Ibuprofen (thanks, Ning), I slept all the way home, by the time we got to Glendale to drop off April, my fever broke, praise God!

As I had mentioned in one of my previous posts, my cousins and I (a.k.a. In Harmony) went up to Bakersfield, CA to sing at the Filipino pastors and church workers’ breakfast on Tuesday morning, and the main session of the convention in the evening. Everything went fine when we sang in the morning, and it was a smaller crowd and we knew most of the pastors that were there, so there wasn’t much nervousness going on. But when we had to sing for the evening session, we started getting a little bit more nervous, as we were going to be singing for a whole bunch of people, most of them we don’t know at all, and we felt so small in this humungous church auditorium! The soundcheck went well, had a little trouble hearing ourselves through the monitors, but the technician was able to adjust it and we felt good about it at the end. 30 minutes right before we go on, we started to get butterflies, nerves were starting to get the best of us, but we prayed and quickly reminded ourselves that we were about to sing for an audience of One.

I would love to say that we sang without a hitch, however, that wasn’t the case at all. We couldn’t hear ourselves from the floor monitor, and apparently, the audience could barely hear us, the music drowned us out. Good thing we didn’t know, otherwise, we would’ve messed up. We had fun though, and we just thought about the reason why we were singing in the first place, that is to glorify the One who is our reason to sing. After the main service, people went up to us to tell us they were blessed and we actually got some invitations to sing at their churches. Praise God! It was a great experience overall.

Thanksgiving’s coming up! So much to be thankful for, especially for this year. Anyway, I will be concentrating on getting better this week, and praying that I will not get sick again, especially for the rest of the year. ‘ta!

We'd like a new CD, please.

I saw Rockapella last Saturday and all I have to say is that they need to get workin' on a brand-spankin' new CD and release it by next year, because most of the original tunes that I heard need to be listened to over and over again, especially my new fave, "California Sad-eyed Girl"(my new DTMYD), which is clearly about me...NOT (haha)

Anyway, the Boys were in fine form and it was great to see them having a blast on stage. My one regret is that during the "audience request" portion of the show, I didn't yell out "Don't Tell Me You Do". I've been itchin' to hear that song again. *sigh* Maybe when I see them in December.

Didn't stay for the meet-and-greet, but did manage to cut in front of the line to say "hi" to Scott, hand him a "gift", gave him a hug, and wished them a safe trip to Singapore and Hong Kong. As I walked away, I heard someone yell "Hey Aura!", I turned around and realized it was Jeff callin' out my name. So, I went back, he stretched out his hand (he was sitting next to Scott), I reached back, my arm almost blocking the face of the lady talking to Scott, to touch Jeff's hand. He asked me if I was takin' off, I told him that I was, he said that it was great to see me, I said likewise and then took off. Now, I have to say, in the 6 years that I've followed Rockapella and have spoken to Jeff, he's never, EVER mentioned my name until last Saturday. It was always, "hey, how are you" or "hey you", but never actually uttered my name. I just thought it was very notable. :)

Up next, The Coach House show in San Juan Capistrano which will be in a few weeks. Until then, 'ta!

We'd like a new CD, please!

I saw Rockapella last Saturday and all I have to say is that they need to get workin' on a brand-spankin' new CD and release it by next year, because most of the original tunes that I heard need to be listened to over and over again, especially my new fave, "California Sad-eyed Girl" (my new DTMYD), which is clearly about me...NOT (haha) Anyway, the Boys were in fine form and it was great to see them having a blast on stage. My one regret is that during the "audience request" portion of the show, I didn't yell out "Don't Tell Me You Do". I've been itchin' to hear that song again. *sigh* Maybe when I see them in December. Didn't stay for the meet-and-greet, but did manage to cut in front of the line to say "hi" to Scott, hand him a "gift", gave him a hug, and wished them a safe trip to Singapore and Hong Kong. As I walked away, I heard someone yell "Hey Aura!", I turned around and realized it was Jeff callin' out my name. So, I went back, he stretched out his hand (he was sitting next to Scott), I reached back, my arm almost blocking the face of the lady talking to Scott, to touch Jeff's hand. He asked me if I was takin' off, I told him that I was, he said that it was great to see me, I said likewise and then took off. Now, I have to say, in the 6 years that I've followed Rockapella and have spoken to Jeff, he's never, EVER mentioned my name until last Saturday. It was always, "hey, how are you" or "hey you", but never actually uttered my name. I just thought it was very notable. :) Up next, The Coach House show in San Juan Capistrano which will be in a few weeks. Until then, 'ta!