
Just checking in…

It’s about 9:44 on a Saturday morning and I’ve been here at work for at least an hour. It’s quite slow this morning so I thought I’d just check in and update.

Last Thursday evening, I went to a “send-off” dinner for the FSBM College & Career mission team that’s leaving this Sunday night. We all met up at a Chinese restaurant somewhere in downtown L.A. Not everyone from the team made it however, but it was nice to spend time with those who were there and just enjoy each other’s company before they leave. I’m very excited for them, I wish I could go but due to circumstances I can’t. *sigh* Maybe in a couple of years. Anyway, please keep them in your prayers. Pray that they grow in their spiritual walk through this experience (since for most of them, it will be their first time going on a mission’s trip). Pray that God will use their testimony to reach out those who are unsaved and that the people will see the love of God through them. And last but not the least, pray for their safety.

Yesterday was my cousin Joyce’s birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY ATE!). We’re supposed to be having dinner tonight but I don’t have the details as to where and what time it will be. So, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make it due to time constraints and distance since I’m going to be at my boss’ party in San Dimas, which is quite a drive, this afternoon after work and I’m not sure if I could just slip in and out of the party. We’ll see how it pans out. I might just have to catch up with the cousins later on tonight.

Anyway, I should get back to work. I’ll post more later when I’m awake. :)