
‘It’s a Matter of Love’ - Benefit concert.

Man, where do I even begin?! God truly blessed our efforts! We were able to collect a little over $2500 last Saturday, and contributions are still coming! It was quite an exhausting and very long day, but it was all worth it in the end. Thank you for those of you who came and supported our vision. I hope that you were blessed.

There were a few minor glitches with the technical stuff but overall the concert went pretty smoothly. One of our monitors blew out, so we were having a hard time hearing ourselves, so I’m sure we were flat on some of the songs, but that didn’t really matter at all because I could just tell that God was going to glorify Himself despite those glitches.

A few highlights for me were: ‘Adonai’ – Christine crying and almost losing composure. She poured her heart out and I definitely knew right there and then that people were going to understand our vision. But she was a trooper and was able to sing her solo without a hitch and that just completely blessed me. I think that moment captured the spirit of the evening. My most favorite moment though was singing ‘God is All Around’ unplugged – just Erwin on the acoustic guitar and Tubie on the djembe’. It was incredible.

The band sounded great! Tubie did a great job getting the band together. I appreciate all the efforts and sacrifices that they made to rehearse and putting their hearts and souls into it. They definitely tore it up during ‘It’s a Matter of Love’. It’s such a blessing to be surrounded by talented and gifted people like them. It’s inspiring.

I can’t wait to e-mail Pastor Fulfer’s daughter at Subic Bay to let her know that God blessed our efforts and that people were more than generous to help them out.

I’d like to thank the following people:

Babie – for coordinating this event and for being able to express our vision and cause to the people so eloquently and passionately.

Karen – for getting this thing rolling for us. And for being our ‘logistics’ queen.

Cat – for assisting her patootie off and helping out in every aspect of the project.

Pastor Omer – for his spiritual leadership and for his support of and heart for the college and career group.

Jeremy, Joe and Nate – for all their technical expertise and their willingness to help us out and make us sound and look decent. :)

Ralph, Julio, Marlon, Anthony, Katzy and Aries – for all your help, and for your desire to serve others in whatever capacity you can.

Our parents, especially our moms!

And the band – Tubie, Bryan, Uncle David, Wally and Erwin. Thank you for blessing us with your talents and gifts! You’ve found new ‘groupies’. LOL

Nitro – our vocal coach. Man, I know we stunk up the place, we’ll do better next time, we promise. hehe

Uncle Romy and the Papuri Singers – thank you for lending your voices and for your willingness to help the cause.

My cousins, In Harmony – thank you for the sacrifice and efforts to get to rehearsals and for working through our little kinks and stuff, and for owning the vision along with the rest of the FSBM College and Career Group.

Thank you to those who came and gave. May God bless you abundantly and return the blessings a hundred-fold!

Thanks you to those who supported us through prayers. They do move mountains!

And last but not the least, we want to thank our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for exhibiting the best example of love, love that is so unselfish and unconditional, so that we too can know how to love others, especially those who are in dire need of it.

For pictures of the concert, visit Ralph’s site: www.xanga.com/djralphalpha and his In Harmony site: www.xanga.com/in_harmony