
Lovin’ a cappella today.

Went to see I, Robot last Monday night with my cousins, aunt and uncle. Interesting movie. Weird, but interesting. Still can’t figure out what the heck happened at the end. Maybe I didn’t pay attention much. I mean, how could I? Will Smith was on screen the whole time! LOL If you’re a sci-fi buff and/or and Isaac Asimov fan, go check it out and let me know what you think.

Was browsing through this a cappella site, Mainely A Cappella and just checking out the latest in contemporary a/c music and stumbled upon mp3’s of this vocal group from Denmark (yes, Denmark, LOL) called baSix. Wonderful stuff. I love the lead singer’s voice.

I’m currently listening to When It Snows by the Blenders. *sigh* I know it’s not Christmas, but for some reason, I’m on an a cappella kick today. Oh well. Such a nerd, eh? Cheeky. ;)