

Last night’s Bible study convicted me. God has an amazing way letting you know that there are certain things in your life that you need to face. We were talking about gossip last night and how that destroys the unity of the body of Christ. I am guilty of gossiping, whether I am aware of it at the time I’m doing it or not. I’m sure that all of us, at one point or another, have been guilty of it as well. I know that it has hurt people that I cared about and for that I am truly sorry. Although it may seem like I was doing it out of frustration at the time, what I realize now is that I was doing it from a place of selfishness, a place of pride, to make myself look better than everyone else. That’s where it all boils down to, doesn’t it? Wanting to look better than someone else. But it’s completely opposite of what the Bible teaches. One verse comes to mind and it’s Mark 10:43a-44,

“43aBut whoever would be great among you must be your servant,44 and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all.”

Selflessness. It’s such a hard thing, to be selfless, not to look out for #1, and not to step on and kick everyone while they’re down in the process. Looking back, I think that I was a very horrible person. I was inconsiderate and judgmental. What did I gain from it? Nothing!!! It didn’t do me any good, and it certainly hurt people that I love.

I just pray that God would continue to change me everyday and renew my mind. I pray that He would continue to kill my selfishness, and to be loving and considerate of others, especially my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray that I become more aware of my conversations and my speech, and avoid and put a stop to gossip when I am confronted with it.

Before I forget - Peej, thanks for the text message last night. Thanks for the reminder. I thank God for your friendship. :)

Oooh, looky here…

This is our little Wednesday Bible study group. You may be wondering why there are 2 “Buzz Lightyears” in the background. That’s supposed to be Erwin and Garnett. They both work at Disneyland™ and they both work as characters there, mostly as Buzz Lightyear.