
Birthday coups and other things.

(This was supposedly yesterday’s entry 8/3/04)

We pulled quite a coup today. We surprised my co-worker Audrey with a “scavenger hunt” today which ultimately led to her actual birthday present. For her birthday present, we gave her 6 different options on what she wanted to do for her birthday. Audrey’s birthday was this past Sunday and throughout the whole of last week and this past weekend, we didn’t make a big fuss about it, so as not to make her suspicious at all that we’re cooking up something special. It was quite exciting to see her reaction when she found her first clue in her inbox today. I was attending to an inquiry on the phone when I heard a shriek followed by laughter. That was quite hilarious. I tried not to laugh on the phone whilst talking to a customer. Then she walked into the office and we both started laughing uncontrollably. She was genuinely surprised by it. That was great. I hope we made your day, Audrey!

Well, out of all the 6 options on what to do to celebrate her birthday, she picked a dinner and a show at Medieval Times. Excellent choice as I have not been there at all, so that would be quite interesting to see. Medieval Times it is then!

Today’s “day 1″ for the FSBM College and Career Missions team in the P.I. I wonder how they’re doing. I prayed for them last night and this morning. I hope they all made it safely. Babie should’ve arrived today in Manila. I can’t wait to hear from them. I wish I had joined them. Maybe in 2 years’ time, eh? They should be visiting the kids at the Subic Bay Children’s Home this week. I’d like to find out how that goes. Someone from the team e-mail me!

Conan, I’ll try to make it to the picnic on Saturday. I don’t get off work ’til 2pm. We’ll see. If not, save me some bbq and bring it to my house…hehe

Okay, that’s all for now folks. I hope that you’re enjoying the Lord today! Pray for me, as I will be praying for you (all 5 of my readers…LoL).