
I’m back!!!

Well, I’m back from San Francisco. Did you guys miss me? (Yes, all 5 of you) haha. Anyway, so much to tell, I’ll just try to make it really brief.

Hearst Castle…Pier 39…17 Mile Drive…Frisson Lounge…Golden Gate Bridge…Sausalito…Fisherman’s Wharf…Neptunes…City View Restaurant for dimsum…Alcatraz…Le Chaval…Fenton’s…some waffle house for breakfast…Winchester House…some outlet on the way home…back to L.A.

Hmmm… wonder if I missed anything? Well, I’ll just add it when I remember it. But I think I covered it pretty much. It was quite fun, but exhausting. But I’m glad I went. I needed it. :) I’ll post some pictures up later. Haven’t had a chance to upload them yet.

Went to see m-pact last night. My ears were happy. :)

That’s all for now!