
Level 42-ness.

Hot-diggity! Just found out that the original members of one of my favorite bands (probably my most favorite now!) Level 42 are working on a new album to be released probably sometime this year! Yayness! Yes, they were huge in the ’80s but they’re such great musicians, (each of them are) that to me, their music transcends decades. When I listen to their music, I just don’t listen to the overall sound, but I listen to each instrument, each note, how they mesh together. The best thing about their music is the bass guitar and the person who plays it, Mark King. Simply put, he’s an amazing musician.

Well, this weekend was quite refreshing. Didn’t work on Saturday so the whole family went to one of my aunts’ house again and had lunch and watched DVDs and played video games, basically just hung out.

Sunday was church day of course. Had a good day of worship and studying of the Word, although I can’t quite recall what exactly we talked about last Sunday during Sunday School and the morning message, but I’m sure I have it on my notes. LOL After church, IH (In Harmony) and our families went to get some Pho’ (Vietnamese soup) for lunch (yum!) and then we headed over to downtown L.A. (along with Babie) for Grace Redemption Church’s 1st service at their new facility, where IH sang. I had a blessed time and I was actually surprised to find myself speaking on behalf of the rest of the group and introducing our songs (I never volunteer for that! We usually let Ate Joyce do all the talking), but for some reason, the Holy Spirit moved me to speak and talk about the songs that we were singing! It was quite exciting for me! We sang “Jesus Is” and “Drawing Me Closer” both by Point of Grace. It also marked the first time IH sang together in a very long time, probably in about 6 months (or even longer!). I hope that it’s sort of a “starting over” not just for me, but for all 4 of us. Pray for the 4 of us and this ministry that God has blessed us with, that we will grow in wisdom and knowledge of our Lord Jesus and really get to know Him and desire for Him, so that the joy that we experience in Christ will be evident in our singing. Peej, thanks for praying for us, and for everyone else who did. I really appreciate it.
I feel like this week God is really teaching me to be patient and to rely on Him in everything, even the little things like my finances. In the past I have not been very good with my money and I tend to spend more than I have. Ever since I got laid off from my old job, He’s taught me to really learn the value of a dollar and how far it can stretch out, and this week was exceptionally trying, but by God’s grace I am learning. I know that I am now reaping the consequences of my irresponsibility back then (when I was in college and even just a couple of years ago). Talk about being refined in the fire, and the whole financial issue is just a smidgeon of what I’ve gone through in the past few years (e.g. my dad’s passing, not being able to go back to school, and losing my job). But despite all of that, and actually a result of that, blessings started flowing, unexpected blessings. “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will grant the desires of your heart.“