
Afternoon musings.

'Twas a busy day today at work. I just finished doing what I have to do and called all the students to bug them about NOT paying their tuition (I'm brutal about it too, haha! - j/k!). And now, I'm taking the time to post something on my journal. LOLYesterday, JP was supposed to come down to hang-out, but he didn't so I decided to do some errands. Ended up at the Lighthouse, and bought m'self a new Bible (yayness!) and a praise and worship music book which actually came with a demo-cd in it, which is pretty nifty. I was also contemplating on buying CDs, one of which is the new FFH cd, but decided to hold off 'til next month. I got to listen to it and it's excellente'

Anyway, Katzy was working yesterday as well (what's up Katz!), and we got to chat a bit about whatever it was that we chatted about…mostly about Christians and how non-believing family members deal with them and vice-versa. He was supposed to come over the house after work but he didn't. What happened Katz?! j/k! You missed out! LOL

Last night, we had a very short Bible study on John 6:16-21 (Jesus walking on water). We basically talked about fears that we have in our lives and how Jesus helps us deal with our fears, and the bottomline is that if Jesus is in your life, you don't need to fear because He is always with you and reassures you that He's is in control of everything, so if we focus on serving Him and glorifying Him and "seeking His kingdom and His righteousness" (Matt. 6:33), we have nothing to fear, we shouldn't worry about things. He'll take care of it AND of you. After the study, we took some time to talk about how we're doing with our spiritual lives, especially our prayer lives. One thing we all had in common was that we all need to improve on our prayer lives. We face the same struggles when it comes to praying. And we talked about what we should do or what we should aim for to make our prayer lives more effective and more vibrant. It's nice to have that time of accountability within our group, the Amazon Women of OCC…LOL Yup, I'm bringin' the name back y'all! hehe a.k.a. the "A-dubs" courtesy of PJ. *shakes head* Luv yah brotha!

After Bible study, Ant and Mike came by and we watched Monty Python's "Quest for the Holy Grail". Man, I haven't laughed like that from watching a movie in a long time! I've seen the movie before, years ago, and it's still as funny to me as the first time I saw it. It's sooo random, no plot whatsoever, but hilarious. If you're into British humour, you'll definitely get this movie. Conan and I were just rollin' from laughing sooo hard! LOL I was planning on going to the gym tonight, but I'm just not up for it. I should, but I'm just too tired. I'll try to go tomorrow before going to work (hah! like THAT'll happen! LOL).

Well, I'm off. Later y'all.