
What I've been up to.

Watching the premier of the American-version of Coupling and I can’t help but cringe. For the most part, it’s about the same as the Brit-version, it’s just that the Jeff character ain’t working for me. I’m so used to seeing the Jeff character as Welsh, that this American one just isn’t as funny. And besides the British Jeff isn’t just goofy, and weird, he’s gorgeous as well, unlike the American Jeff, which adds to the appeal. If this series picks up, the only upside would be that I will be able to see all 4 series without having to subscribe to BBC America. I’ll just have to imagine that the characters are the British facsimiles, that’s all.

Anyway, today I found out that they’re going to have me teach beginning guitar on a regular-basis at work. I just think it’s absolutely hilarious. Me, teach guitar? LOL I would’ve never imagined I would do that. I could handle being a voice teacher, it’s something that I’m fairly confident in doing, but the whole guitar thing, I’m not as confident, although it’s quite exciting.

I just saw the opening sequence of the season premiere episode of E.R. and man, they are starting this one out with a BANG!

I’m going to go to Biola tomorrow to give Charisse a tour of the place. She’s hoping to transfer to B.U. next Fall and I told her that I would show her the ins-and-outs of the place. We’re going to go to Chapel tomorrow, and I’m looking forward to that since I haven’t gone to B.U.’s Chapel in so long. That’s one of the things I miss most about being at Biola. The whole chapel experience is something that I would always fondly remember because it definitely got me prepared to face a whole day of classes and just the everyday pressures of being a college student. It definitely keeps us focused on what’s most important, and that is Jesus Christ. that everything that we do and we’re about to do is all for Him and give Him the glory.

Listening lately to a lot of singer-songwriters has definitely inspired me to get back into songwriting. I went through a time in my life not too long ago where I started writing songs, but because of schoolwork and such, I put it in the backburner for a while. Last night, I was just compelled to pen a tune. The creative juices started flowing. Thoughts and feelings just started pouring out of me and onto my journal, and this melody just kept running through my head over and over, I had to sing it into my handheld recorder. I was able to write one whole song last night, and wrote down a couple of more incomplete ones for which I’m still working on the melody and the chord progressions. I’m very excited. I’ve been praying and asking God to help me use the experiences that I’ve had, both good ones and bad, to write some songs. I would love to be able to write songs that speak about God’s greatness, goodness, His majesty, His mercy, grace and forgiveness. The hope that He gives and the fact that He’s just. Basically, a song that will give God the glory. I want to make Him known through the songs that He’ll inspire me to write.

It just completely saddens me how people can be so sneaky and deceitful. Especially people who say that they have committed to making a change in how they live their lives. It’s like they take one step forward, but then take 2 steps back. There really isn’t much progress happening at all. They can’t seem to let go of their old ways, and it just keeps pulling them down. I can’t see what’s in the heart, but usually what’s going on in the heart manifests itself on the outside. The way you act, the way you speak, the way you live your life. And they just seem to not make the effort to turn away from the old ways and completely abandon it, even though they know that it’s pulling them down. It’s like a dog on a leash that tied around a pole. No matter how hard the dog tries to run away, he just keeps getting yanked back, because he’s tied up to the pole. Unless that leash is released, the dog can’t go anywhere. Anyway, it’s hard to watch them live their lives that way, and knowing that you can’t really do anything about it. All you can really do is pray and believe God will change them, hopefully without them having to learn a very hard lesson, Lord-willing. But sometimes you just have to learn the hard way.