
Random musings, as usual.

Well, I just found out today from Blessing that the NYC plans fell through. Ugh! I’m soooo ready to go, I can’t believe they changed plans on us again! They wanted to change the dates again so we just decided to postpone it sometime next year. OH well. Anyway, Blessing, Charisse and I are still planning on going in August though. Well, Blessing’s still thinking about it. Either way, I think I’m gonna go, just for the fun of it. I’ve been telling my cousin Ry and my friends Ken and Grace that I’m coming. I just want to go see them and just get out of Los Angeles for a little bit. The last couple of times I went, I never really got to see nor hang-out with Ken and Grace, so I want to do that this time.

Last night, I went to Filipino Baptist Fellowship for Bible study. It was nice to see everyone again, and have fellowship with them. I haven’t visited in a while, I want to visit more often, maybe every other week. After Bible study, Conan, Ant, Katzy, Michael and I went to Denny’s for a late dinner, and continued our fellowship there. I had a great time you guys! We should do it again sometime! Midnight run at Starbucks Ant! I’ll go with you and Katzy next time…LOL Remind me to rent Monty Python’s Quest for the Holy Grail for Wednesday, after our church’s Bible study. “‘Tis but a flesh-wound!” ROFL

I really am grateful that we finally have our own Bible study at Olive. It just happened at the right time when all of us (the young adults), had actually decided to commit ourselves to seek God’s word and learn more about Him through it, as a group. Last Wednesday’s Bible study was exceptionally good because we were able to openly discuss things that we still don’t understand as far as being a Christian (a person who believes and accepts Christ as his/her personal Lord and Saviour) and what living for Christ is all about. I just hope that some questions have been answered that night, and some things have been clarified. I hope we, as a group, continue to be more comfortable and trusting enough with each other to ask when there are things that we still have a hard time grasping. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Pray for discernment, understanding and growth for each and everyone in our little group. Pray for wisdom and confidence in God for those who lead the studies. And if you guys are free on Wednesday nights at 8 pm, you’re more than welcome to join us!

This weekend has become particularly trying for me. I never thought that someone so close to me doesn’t seem to understand why I do things the way I do. And doesn’t seem to see the “bigger picture“, and that I do the things that I do for God’s glory. I understand the concern, but I don’t do anything that I know will harm me, I don’t do things that misrepresent Christ (maybe a few months ago, I have, but not anymore). All I ask is for a little trust and a whole lot of faith in God from that person’s part. I know I’m being very vague about this and somewhat cryptic, but I just ask that you pray for me and this person, that both of us will understand where we’re both coming from and to come to some sort of compromise. Thanks.