

I just want to say once again that God is good! He is amazing and loving, forgiving and merciful. And He answers prayers! He definitely answered my prayer (see my previous post) and I just feel so much closer to Him and to that person that I was having a struggle with. Thank you to those who prayed for me as well.

Well, I wasn’t able to go to CFBC’s Bible study last Friday because I got out of work really late and I knew that if I had decided to go up to Walnut, by the time I got there, Bible study would be long over. I was thinking that I was just going to head home after work, but decided to go to FBF’s Youth Bible study instead. It was nice to see everyone again. Ant lead the study. He talked about using your talents for the Kingdom! The study was taken from Matthew 25:14- 25. And by “talents”, we’re not just talking about your skills or anything like singing, or teaching, etc. We’re talking about everything that you have, everything you own, your whole being. Everything that we own is from God and He requires us to use whatever He’s given us to ultimately glorify Him and proclaim who He is to everyone around us. It’s quite humbling to think about that because it just makes you realize how generous and gracious our God is. But along with the things He’s given us comes responsibility. What do you do with what God has given you?

Sunday was just totally hectic for me. I didn’t get much sleep the night before due to the fact that I was getting stuff ready for the following day. Uncle GG wasn’t there at all, so I had to lead praise and worship by myself, the first time in years and the first time I had to play the guitar during Sunday worship! That was quite a stretch for me, you don’t even know! Anyway, I stayed up half the night for that, practicing and picking out songs (yes, I picked the easy ones!) LOL I also stayed up to study for Sunday school, I had to teach as well. Anyway, by God’s grace both went well – teaching Sunday school and leading praise and worship. (Thanks to Ate Joyce, she came and played the keyboards for me during p&w.) After church, the family headed over to my aunt’s house in Arcadia for my cousins’ birthday party. And the party had to happen during the hottest day of the summer! The party ended early, and I found myself looking for something to do, I didn’t want to go home yet. So, I ended up calling people to find out what they were doing (sorry Yom, Neens, and especially Peej, didn’t mean to bug yah!), since I was kind of in the area. Anyway, I just decided to head home and sleep early (which turned out to be beneficial for me since I was running on empty the whole day).


Last night, I hung out with Charisse after work. She wanted to drive around on the freeway so that she could get used to it. She hasn’t really driven on the freeway since she’s gotten her license a year ago. So, anyway, after work, we went to her house to drop off my car, ended up having dinner at their house while watching LOTR (haha!), then around 10pm we went to The Block so she could get her freeway-driving experience. LOL Her goal for this week is to drive on the freeway everyday until she could get used to it, so that she could drive herself to Eagle Rock this Friday for a church bbq. Before we headed off, we prayed (always look to God first for safety!), and we were off! We walked around The Block for a while, got our Starbucks drinks then headed back to Cerritos. When we got back, we ended up watching The Pianist with Blessing and John until 2 am! LOL Speaking of The Pianist, man, such a good movie! A must-see.