
Summer movies.

The season of summer blockbusters have already begun. I’ve already taken in 3 so far, X2: X-Men United (well, that was more a pre-summer blockbuster), The Matrix: Reloaded, and most recently (as recent as last night actually) The Pirates of the Caribbean. Let me just say that POTC was a lot of fun! It has some good action sequences, funny lines, sweet, romantic storyline, and a nice twist towards the end. The overall storyline was a little weak, but it works. I didn’t really know what to expect about this movie, but what I certainly didn’t expect at all was the comedy aspect of it. And Johnny Depp’s character, Captain Jack Sparrow, had me in stitches! The worst and the best pirate I’ve ever seen. LOL He said in an interview that he fashioned his character to Keith Richards, guitarist for the Rolling Stones. I totally see some elements of Keith in “Captain Jack”. LOL Some scenes in the movie had the audience laughing because they were taken from the ride (of the same name) at Disneyland! Oh, not-too-shabby was Orlando Bloom (aren’t you surprised?! LOL), he was swashbuckling and swoon-worthy, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him during the movie. LOL He and Johnny had great rapport on-screen which added to the appeal of the movie. I like Kiera too, she held her own as virtually the only woman in the movie (well, save for the pirate-girl), she looked great with Orlando, much as I don’t like to admit it..hehe j/k. Anyway, I keep thinking that she looked familiar, even when I saw her in the movie “Bend It Like Beckham“. Now, I know where I’ve seen her before. She played Padme, Queen Amidala’s maid-servant and decoy, in both Star Wars Episodes 1 & 2. Oh, and the guy who plays the Commodore in “Pirates…”, is the guy who plays Steve on one of my fave brit-coms called “Coupling“.

Anyway, if you’re looking for something fun and entertaining to watch, go see “Pirates…“.
Other summer movies I want to see:

1. Johnny English - oh man, Mr. Bean! How can I not see this movie?! Rowan Atkinson always cracks me up!
2. Bad Boys 2 - c’mon! You think I’d miss this one? LOL
3. Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines - I’ve heard mixed reviews about this movie.
4. Tomb Raider 2
5. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen