
Health update.

Update on my health: I’m feeling a whole lot better. I got a lot of sleep yesterday, took naps whenever I could. I was supposed to go to rehearsals last night for this “coffee house” thing that will be hosted by CFBC this afternoon, but I chose not to, just in case I have a relapse, and I’m still having coughing fits, I can’t even hold a note without barking. *sigh* I was actually getting paranoid because of this whole SARS thing. No, I don’t have SARS, but sometimes paranoia just gets the best of you. LOL

Speaking of SARS, I got an e-mail yesterday from my best friend, Rizza, who lives in Toronto. She told me that the whole SARS epidemic is starting to really take a toll on Torontonians. She was actually sick for a week, bedridden for 2 days. She had some of the symptoms, so she went to the hospital. Praise God that she only had the flu (which still isn’t a walk in the park), but they gave her the proper medication, checked her thoroughly, and sent her home. She’s feeling better now, thank God. However, her brother, Wally, got sick as well. By the time he went to the hospital to get checked, they were getting stricter with their policy and he had to be quarantined for 2 days, JUST to be sure. No, he doesn’t have SARS, it’s just procedure now for every patient who walks into a Toronto hospital these days, just as a preventative measure. Please pray for them, and pray that they quickly find a cure for this thing.

Have you seen the commercials for The Matrix Reloaded? Oh wow. I cannot wait for this movie to come out!