
Tales of the unemployed and uncertain.

Just wanted to add that I’m still unemployed and looks like things haven’t been working out as far as staying here in California is concerned. I am currently focusing my energy on moving back to Toronto. When that will be, I still don’t know, but I am determined to move back before this year ends and I have prayed about it and God has given me peace. Anyway, I won’t keep anyone in the dark as far as that goes, I’ll definitely let everyone who wants to know how things are progressing.I just want to say that God is good. Despite my situation (being unemployed), I managed to keep myself busy especially in studying the Word. I have become more immersed in studying God’s Word and have developed a deeper appreciation for it. I can’t even understand how I didn’t realize that sooner, being a Christian now for almost 20 years! He’s teaching me so much right now, it’s amazing!

Another blessing I wanted to share is that our little group at church (a.k.a. Amazon Women of Olive Christian Church, hehe) have become active again as far as committing ourselves collectively to the study of the Word. Norlyn and I have been praying about starting up our own Bible study again (we haven’t had it in a while) and I am praying that this will be established before I move back to Canada. Keep us in your prayers.

I’ve been singing a lot lately. In Harmony is still on some sort of hiatus. However, I have been invited to sing with this group called Papuri, that’s Tagalog for “praise”. We’re actually singing this weekend, opening for a musical called Experiencing God - The Musical (I believe some of you have heard about it). If you guys aren’t doing anything Easter Sunday evening, come check it out at Lifestream Worship Center, at 7 p.m. It’s located at the corner of Rosecrans and Norwalk (well, you head down Norwalk towards Rosecrans, make a right and it’s actually on the corner of Rosecrans and Disney). Hope some of you can make it!

Well, I’m currently printing out email and will probably post an entry to my blogspot journal. Later!