
There are times when I sit back and wonder what could have happened if he and I had met first. Or if I had lived closer or vice-versa. So many questions, and I probably won’t find out the answers. The “could’ve-been” is just nagging at me, though.

Wow. Benedict Cumberbatch said in an interview that Martin Freeman has shown him Tumblr. HIDE! LOL Oh, the stuff that you read on Tumblr re: Sherlock, The Hobbit. Brill.



Last night, I had the opportunity to sing and testify at Full Cup Cafe' Night at Faith Baptist Fellowship in Long Beach, Ca, for the College and Career group of FSBM (Filipino Southern Baptist Ministries). It was wonderful to reconnect with most of them. I realized how much I needed to fellowship with people my age who are also brothers and sisters in the Lord. I love my "other" friends whom I see and interact with everyday. But, it's totally different to be among your peers who have the same commitment and passion in serving the Lord as you. Being lifted up in prayer, ministering through songs, and giving your testimony, in hopes that they can relate, is a wonderful thing. It's so edifying to the soul. I realized that I need to get together with other believers who are my peers, who understand what you're going through. What a great feeling to be encouraged through the Word and to be prayed for.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


I'm so forgetful some times, I didn't realize my car insurance expired yesterday! Thank the Lord Jesus for online payments!

Today, I stayed home due to my difficulty with my monthly "visitor". Anyway, I took the opportunity to relax and recharge as I haven't had a decent time off just to do that. Even my weekends are hectic. I just wanna chill and not do anything for a week or so. My work's not too keen on people taking time off. It sucks and one of the reasons why I want to find another job, and one that is way closer to home. Sigh. I have not been this exhausted and stressed out from a job before. And I have previously worked for 2 workaholic, demanding lawyers, simultaneously! What kills me the most is the commute to and from work, which adds to the stress I have at work. My day begins stressed and exhausted due to the commute and it ends that way as well. I'm TIRED.

I've been communicating with friends in Canada in hopes that they can help me in my job hunt when I finally move back. I've asked them to keep an eye out on job postings, or if they know or hear of anyone hiring. I've been sending out my resume as well. Haven't heard from anyone yet though.

One thing's for sure, I can't wait to move back and move on with my life and build a future.



From Tumblr.

I went to Sephora on my break yesterday and there’s this nail polish there.
It’s called “Baker Street.” Really. $9.50 at your friendly, neighborhood Sephora. That is all.
I must have this.
This is from The Voice UK, the Battle rounds. The competitors are Jay Norton and Jaz Ellington. Both fantastic and they're in will.i.am's team. Jaz had bronchitis that day, and he still sang like nobody's business. They're both great. Sad to see Jay go, but I hope will.i.am signs him after the show. What's funny about this video is the judges' reaction to their vocal riffs/acrobatics, specifically Jesse J, because that's how my cousin Diane and I react whenever we hear singers do crazy riffs. We make faces, we throw our hands up in the air, we get up out of our seats, or shake our heads in disbelief, while we look at each other going, "whaaatttttt???", in awe of what we just heard/witnessed. It's what we call an "ooo-wee" moment. Enjoy this one!

Twitter conversations.

Lest Twitter somehow deletes my favourite conversations, or makes them disappear, I’ll be posting them onto my blog, just to ensure that I won’t lose them forever… LOL
This conversation has to do with my friend, Sherry, and her conversations with JT, particularly mentioning me. Yes, I know. I’m such a fan-girl. LOL
This one in particular was a little over a year ago at a Napa, CA gig, right before the first ever Pella Cruise in which I wasn’t able to go to.

Me: Does JT still have the scruff? Or did he get rid of it?

Sher: A little bit. He asked why you weren’t there. I told him about eh job situation.

Me: Who asked? JT? :O

Sher: Yes, JT asked where you were. Winking smile Also, we met Geo’s girlfriend, Sandra. She’s going on the cruise.

Me: <big grin> You mentioned me? Or did he bring me up first? Sorry, now I’M flabbergasted! LOL

Sher: HE brought you up, girl. I squeed inside for you.
Me: Still scratching my head. Was he like, “Hey Sher, where’s Aura?” It seems so random! LOL

Sher: We were talking about who’s going on the cruise. He said, “What about Aura?” I said no. JT: “Where is she tonight anyway?”

Yup. He loves me. haha!
Four eyes brigade!
The grad and his girl.
My pick-me-up.
Adobo. Want some?
My co-worker called me "school teacher". LOL
Four eyes!
Ma mère et moi à la église. On Mother's day.
With my cuzzie, Emmeline.
Can you dig it? Yeaaaahhh...
With my partner-in-crime, Sye, at KTV for her b-day. She and Michz share the same b-day.
With the boss-lady, and good friend, Michz, at KTV for her b-day.
At KTV with John.




Holding grudges…

Holding grudges. Doesn't enhance your quality of life. Neither does it make you feel better about yourself, nor make you look good in the eyes of others. It mostly burns bridges, ruins relationships and friendships. Is it really worth all of that, especially over little things? One will just end up bitter, and alone. Forgive, reconcile, let go, and smile. You'll look and feel so much better anyway. ;) ;) ;)

What I don't understand is, some people hold grudges, not because they were hurt or offended, but because they didn't get their way. They would hold onto grudges for days on end, but what does it do? It doesn't prove their point at all. It just shows that they are selfish and immature. And they go on about their day looking and feeling miserable, when it's actually of their own doing. Too much pride. It's ridiculous, almost laughable. They alienate people around them, so who is the one that's miserable? It's not the people they're holding grudges against, that's for sure. Humility goes a long way. Says a lot about your strength of character if you're able to humble yourself, and ask for a simple apology, and make amends. People will admire you more for that. Sigh.

All around the world…

I get extremely envious of friends and family who get to travel the world. I wish I could do the same thing. I love to travel. I believe that I am a nomad at heart. I do not belong to one place at all. I would love to be a citizen of the world. One of my greatest dreams is to travel the world with my mom. Well, most of the world at least. Learn different cultures and their history. I have family in the UK. I would love to visit them. I also have friends in Australia. I would like to reunite with them one day. I’d like to visit Italy, France, Switzerland, Holland, Germany, pretty much all of Europe, and some parts of Asia, such as China (Hong Kong, Macau), South Korea, Japan, Thailand, and the list goes on and on. I would also love to do short-term missions work in any of these countries as well. My heart yearns to travel; it aches for it. I would like to take my first trip to Europe with my mom. I would like to see the world with her.  I pray for an opportunity, soon.