
I survived, barely.

The flu hit me like a ton of bricks a couple of weeks ago. I'm such a weakling! I always, ALWAYS get sick during the winter. It never fails! I need to take better care of myself. It's my own fault, I admit. I do not sleep early. For me, "early" would be 1am. Don't know why. I promised myself that I was going to work on sleeping early for 2009. So far, I have not been successful. Please pray for discipline on my part. I need it.

The flu's long gone, but now I'm coughing. It doesn't help that I feel a draft coming through the window around the early hours of the morning. Thank God for the electric blanket that April got me for Christmas. It has helped me these past few days.

Prayer requests:

1. For our church, Olive Christian Church. We need a revival, BIG TIME. Pray that each member realizes that the Lord's work is serious business and not just a weekend activity that's optional or attended to whenever one's personal calendar allows it.

2. My prayer life. I have to admit, my prayer life could be so much better. I don't spend as much time in prayer as I would want to.

3. My health. For me to take better care of myself.

4. My mom's health. She's been doing well so far. Lots of 'maintenance'. Praise God, her gout hasn't been bothering her!

5. God's leading in my life. I would like to have more of a clear direction in where He wants me to be, and what He wants me to do at this point. Would a move be a possibility?

6. In Harmony and Papuri. God has been refining us. And I know that there's a reason why we've been on hiatus for a while. We all have issues. I pray that we get things right, individually. We need to put God as top priority. We've been focusing on so many things, that we've lost focus on Him. It's hard to minister to people, when you're not willing to work on your personal relationship with God. I understand that God accepts us for who we are. But He also wants us to become the kind of people He's called us to be.

I'd appreciate the prayers! :)