
Girls just wanna have fun! :)

I spent the whole day today with 4 of my good girl friends, Ate Joy, Ate Gidget, Ate Gayle and Vanessa. We started the day early and met up at Mimi's Cafe in Cerritos for breakfast, despite the fact that the rain was pouring! Thank God the rain let up for the rest of the day! After breakfast, we headed over to South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa, sat around and had some Starbucks, then walked around and did some window shopping. I did come away with a couple of items, one I purchased for myself, and the other item, was purchased for me by my friends as an early birthday present! That was quite unexpected but I really appreciate their generosity and thoughtfulness. I'm truly grateful to them! We ended the evening at Gerry's Grill and had some Filipino food for dinner. Yum-o!

I praise God for friendships. There are so many things that are fleeting and dispensible in this world, friendships, especially with fellow believers, shouldn't be taken for granted!

Looks like I'm gonna be turning early tonight! Yes, 10:44 p.m. IS early for me. G'nite!