
wales, the english language, and just plain random thoughts.

I have developed quite a fascination with the country of Wales. Thanks to my recent discovery of Ioan Gruffudd (haha), it prompted me to take a closer look at this wonderful country. Beautiful rolling hills, miles and miles of pastures, magnificent cliffs overlooking blue waters. I didn’t realize that this country has a language all its own. Wales is part of the United Kingdom, so I assumed that they spoke English, which they do of course, but they also have their own native language, which is Welsh (naturally!). It’s quite a beautiful language. I’ve heard a clip of someone speaking Welsh on a website and it’s interesting that they rarely use vowels. They use “y” a lot, as well as double letters such as “dd”, “ff” and “ll”. I would venture into learning this language, as it is quite beautiful to listen to, but I still haven’t quite mastered the French language yet, which I had started to learn a few months ago, so I think I’ll hold off until I can actually have a proper conversation in French (Jeremy, you need to help me with this) before I even dare start learning another language. I already have enough trouble with the English language as it is! If I certainly put my mind to it, I think I am capable of writing well in English. That’s a big “IF”. Now, speaking English properly is a completely different story…

On speaking properly, when I was a high school student, back in Canada, I thought I spoke well, and I had proper grammar (well, most of the time). One of my good friends at church would always correct me if I spoke improperly (Kyle). I give him credit for keeping me aware of how I speak. We’d get into arguments because I would use the wrong syntax, etc. It was quite hilarious really (our arguments, that is).

These days, however, I have to say that I am not as eloquent as I would like to be. Words used to roll off my tongue, but now I find it hard just to formulate cohesive thoughts, much less express them verbally. I find myself using “like” and “you know” to somewhat fill-in for words that I have trouble finding. Ah, I get so frustrated at times. I think that’s the reason why I wanted to start an online journal. I want to train myself to write well, again. However, laziness (and, in most cases, sleepiness) take over and I just don’t want to exert that much effort into writing.

Anyway, I digress. What was I talking about before I went off into a completely different tangent? Oh yes, Wales and the Welsh language. A new place and language to discover. I would love to visit that place one day, if the Lord allows, one of the many places I’d like to visit (which include Ireland, Scotland, and of course, England).

I just realized how random my topic is for today. I don’t know why I was even compelled to write about what I had just written. Funny. Well, tomorrow I will revert back to my “likes” and “you knows” for sure.

After work tonight, my co-workers and I will be celebrating Charisse’s birthday by taking her out to dinner. One of the numerous birthdays I’ve celebrated this month. One more to go and I’m done with birthdays for the month of April. But, alas! There’s the month of May to look forward to!

listening to: Craig Ferguson and his excellent Scottish accent.