
Thinking out loud, I suppose.

I have been thinking about going back to school to take a couple of refresher courses, to somewhat prepare me for a possible return, full-time, to university. Most of you know that I haven’t finished my undergraduate studies and I have been dreaming about going back for a very long time. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, I am not able to go back to school at all. Well, at least, not yet. There are so many factors involved, mostly financial, and I know that I cannot afford to go back just yet. My goal is to take some classes at a community college in the fall. I really need to pray about this. I have to admit that I haven’t really been praying about this. I know I should. I haven’t been in school in such a long time, I feel like it is slowly slipping through my fingers. The desire is slowly fading. And I don’t want that to happen. I must admit, I’m a bit apprehensive about this (returning to school). But I hear stories about people, way into their 30s and 40s, and even 50s or 60s, returning to school and getting their degrees and becoming successful at whatever career they go into. That gives me hope. But, I feel like I’m stuck, I feel like I’m in a bit of a funk. I’m just waiting for this one particular thing, and that, basically, will open up doors for me. Thoughts of going back to Toronto drift through my mind, and it’s such a huge possibility still, but I dare not entertain it because it seems like it’s a scapegoat. This year will determine a lot of things for me, especially regarding my future. *sigh* I hope it happens soon, I really do. But it’s all in God’s appointed time. He doesn’t run on our timetable, we tend to forget that most of the time. Anyway, most people know what I’m talking about, and I’d rather not get into it more than I have already. So, for those who know, please keep praying. I’d really appreciate it.

I thank God for the opportunities He’s slowly opening up for Papuri to minister to His people this summer. I pray that He continue to use us to share the Gospel to those who haven’t heard.

I am in need of a holiday. A major one. Someone send me somewhere, out-of-town, maybe in your backyard. It doesn’t matter. I’m knackered. I just need to re-energize my batteries so-to-speak.

listening to: “all blues” - m-pact