
First crush.

Do you remember your first crush?

I remember my first crush. I believe I was 11 or 12 years old at the time. He went to the same church I went to back in Manila. I just thought he was the cutest guy ever! He was tall and lanky. He had a well-chiseled face and the prettiest eyes. I think he was 3 or 4 years older than I was. I looked forward to seeing him every Sunday because he would always sit on the pew behind me and would always play with my hair. I would always act annoyed every time he did that, but deep down I was just absolutely loving it! He played basketball, and was quite good at it. During the summer, our church, along with other different Southern Baptist churches in the greater Manila area would get together for an annual sports tournament, sort of the “Olympics” for the churches. He would play for our church’s basketball team and I would always ask my parents if they could take me to the basketball tournaments because I wanted to see him play. I didn’t usually get my way, but when I did, I would always try to get close to him. And I knew that he loved the attention I gave him, because he would always tease me and do little “annoying” things like playing with my hair, or tapping me on the shoulder and then pull his hand away whenever I would turn around, pretending he didn’t do it. I thought to myself, “when I’m older, he will be my boyfriend.” Shows you how naive I was. I was so infatuated that when he moved away, I was devasted and cried myself to sleep for a couple of days. My first heart-break. *sniff* A week later, I found another crush and that was the end of it! Talk about resiliency! haha

The things that have transpired tonight just made me reminisce about my first crush. It was quite exciting to see someone being around their crush. I could remember the butterflies in the stomach whenever your object of affection would be talking to you or be within close proximity of you, especially when the infatuation is still new. Too darn cute! *sigh*