

I have a headache. And I know that it’s not due to hunger because I just ate lunch/dinner (garlic and pepper pork over rice from a Thai restaurant, yum!). I’m taking a break from doing some work, and so I thought I’d pop in and post an entry. I’m listening to “Sleeping To Dream” by Mr. A-Z (a.k.a. Jason Mraz), and I’m literally getting sleepy. NOT because it’s a boring song (because it isn’t), but because I just ate. *throws up* Oops, sorry. OK, so I am now listening to “Shiver” by Maroon 5. Man, I am sleepy! *yawn*

I’m reading this passage in Exodus about the calling of Moses (Exodus 4:10-ff). When God called Moses to serve Him and lead His people, Moses made excuses. Moses was not an eloquent man. He was “slow of speech and slow of tongue” (v.10 - I can relate). He was hesitant to be the one to lead God’s people out of Egypt because of what seems to be his “limitation”. But God took that particular “limitation” of Moses and used it for His glory. Moses was able to rely on God, and not his own ability, to do the task that was set before him.

The apostle Paul talked about his weaknesses as well, his “thorn in the flesh” (2 Corinthians 12:7-8), and kept asking God to take it from him. But God assured him that His grace is sufficient, “for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” (v.9) And all apostle Paul needed to do is to rely on God and trust that He can work through someone like Paul.

As Christians, God has called each of us for a specific purpose and we often hesitate to take on the task set before us because, like Moses, we fear that we cannot rise above our weaknesses, our “limitations”. But God assured us, just like He assured the apostle Paul, that we can rely on Him and His strength when we feel that we are limited, and not able to do what He has called us to do.