
feelin’ the need for speed…

I’m feelin’ the need for speed this morning. LOL Let me explain…Last night, for April’s birthday celebration, we (our Wednesday Bible study group and some friends) went to Speedzone to do some car racing. We got there pretty late so we only got to do one track and I have to tell yah, it was quite exhilirating racing against each other on this slick track they had. There were 11 of us altogether, and I ended up placing 3rd, after Jade and April. That was quite cool. Some of the West Covina/Chino Hills friends (G-unit, O, Armie, Yek, Mike) came and met up with us at SZ, and then we all headed over to Applebee’s for some good feasting and Chimicheesecake (which I had been looking forward to all week)! Later on that evening, some more West Co/Chino Hills friends came to Applebee’s (El-boogie, JP Mar, Joel) so it was quite a reunion for us since we haven’t seen most of them in such a long time. Most of us ended up staying there until it closed (midnight). Too bad JJ missed out because he was “sick” *cough-cough*. Ummm yeah. LOL

A question to ponder: Why is it that possums always end up being roadkill?