I’m not very much of a tea drinker. If you haven’t noticed by now, I am a big coffee fiend. However, I do enjoy having tea once-in-a-while. And there’s nothing better than having high tea, especially with family and friends. My cousins and I (a.k.a. In Harmony), along with some friends (Jeremy, Babie and Cat) and Christine’s little ones, Nevaeh and Tristen, went to a tea house in the City of Orange for some high tea. We decided to have high tea as part of April and Babie’s birthday celebrations. I absolutely had a wonderful time, really enjoyed the different types of tea that we had. I believe my favourite flavour would have to be the Vanilla Cream Spice, mixed in with some creme and sugar, it was fantastic! We had chocolate chip scones, freshly baked, to start us off, along with some Devonshire creme and some jam. Not long after, the sandwiches were served, in different assortments, as well as some fruits and chocolate covered truffles. I had been looking forward to having high tea with the girls (and Jeremy) for weeks now, I’m glad we went. The tea was soothing, it helped relieve some of the stress and exhaustion from the previous week, it actually made me sleepy. The service was not the best, however. It wasn’t horrible, but it could have been better. Anyway, I’d definitely like to go have high tea again, one of these days.

I’m watching the DVD extras from the Return of the King Special Extended Edition DVD, and it just makes me laugh that Orlando Bloom calls the character that made him famous, “Leggy”. Yes, you can call me random. Thank you.

Well, I’m off to bed. See you in the ‘morrow.