
Musical Sunday.

Currently Playing
Recorded Live At Java Joe's
By Jason Mraz

My Sunday was all about music for me. I got up early to meet up with the rest of Papuri and we headed up to Bakersfield to sing at a church anniversary. We hit a few glitches here and there, but overall the concert went well, glory to God! We sang about 16 songs and also led praise and worship. The people were very accommodating. We were really blessed by them because they were very patient with us, especially while we were having some technical difficulty that involved our sound system. But the concert went on and everyone’s spirits were lifted. Thank you Lord!

Right after the concert, I hitched a ride with Kuya Matt and family and they dropped me off at the Jazz Bakery in Culver City to see m-pact. I thought I wasn’t going to make it but I did, and boy it was amazing! Can I just say that they (m-pact) are freakishly talented?! I’m always in awe every time I see them! They just get better and better every time! And it seems like their ‘soprano’ Britt Quentin’s range gets higher and higher, I’m very suspicious that he’s a woman disguised as a man (okay, let’s not go there…LoL). And Jake Moulton, man alive! Sorry Jeff Thacher, but you’ve been dethroned from the top spot of my vocal percussionists list. Jake’s just too good for words. It’s okay, you come in 2nd. LOL Anyway, my musical appetite has been sufficiently satisfied yesterday. They’re just simply great. And with the addition of a 6th member (Jeff Smith), they’re even more of a force to be reckoned with, now than ever before. Their jazz songs were simply astounding and their more contemporary songs are more polished and sound fuller with the 6th guy. If you don’t know who m-pact are, you should check them out.

After seeing m-pact, I went with April and Jeremy to a church in East L.A. to see one of Jeremy’s friends, Elson, before he left for China for a short-term missions trip. They were having a send-off service for Elson and his teammates. Praise and worship time was uplifting, I just stood there and listened to and read the words of the songs, a few of which I don’t really know. The testimonies by some of the team members were very encouraging, especially by this girl named Susan. She was going through some rough periods during the past year that involved school, but God just showed to her that He was in complete control of everything and that if she kept seeking Him, kept abiding in His word and completely surrendered her worries to Him, He would take care of her, and He did! When it seemed like everything was hopeless and that there was no way to remedy the situation, God came to her rescue! And because of that she is able to go to China for the missions trip this summer. It was a incredible testimony, it really hit home with me. I’m sure that in some way that was a reminder from God that He’s not finished with me yet.