
Friday and Saturday goings-on.

Yesterday, JJ and Geneyem paid us a visit down here in Cerritos. They were here for JJ’s yearly visit to his god-daughter Nevaeh (yes, yearly…just playin’ J! haha). Anyway, it was really nice to see them both again. It’s been a while since I last saw both of them (together and separately). G-pera told me that there have quite a few changes over at CFBC and God is really growing each and every member in their faith. Their passion for witnessing for Jesus Christ is growing stronger. Praise God for that! Anyway, I miss seeing them and I wish that I could visit them up at CFBC soon.

Today was my cousin Kimmie’s graduation and 18th birthday celebration. We went to this buffet restaurant out in Alhambra. Needless to say, we grubbed. LOL I can’t believe that Kimmie’s going to college this fall. I feel really old! Crazy! She was only 10 when my parents and I moved out here to California, and now she’s 18 and going to be freshman. I just pray that she would seek His guidance every day especially now that she will be practically on her own. I gave her a verse, it’s Psalm 37:4 which says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will grant the desires of your heart.” I pray that she would take that to heart especially as she starts college.

Man, it’s sooooo hot today! Argh! I just want to sit in a tub-full of ice-cold water. Ugh!