
I have finally made a decision so, now what? (and random things)

Well, I have finally made a decision regarding this situation that I have been in for the past 2 weeks. I have a prayed about it every day, and each day that passes, it just confirms to me even more of what I need to do. And I now know what I have to do, it’s just a matter of when I am going to do it. I don’t know that I’ll be able to stay in that kind of environment knowing that there aren’t really any changes happening with one person despite everyone else’s efforts to keep said person accountable. I have no ill feelings towards anyone else who’s involved in the same situation as I am. I love them. But I don’t need that craziness anymore in my life. It took me years to ‘exorcise my demons’ so-to-speak and I don’t want to be influenced by anyone who’s just going to bring me down. I’m not doing this because I’m spiritually perfect, it’s actually the opposite. I am NOT spiritually perfect, I am still growing, and I still have some struggles of my own. Being around a person who will not be an encouragement to me will not help me with my spiritual walk one bit, when I am trying to get up and move towards being Christ-like. If a ministry wasn’t involved, then that’s a whole different story. But we’re part of a ministry, and how can you minister to people when your partner in the ministry is inflicting chaos and pain? I don’t think you can minister effectively when someone that you minister with is seriously sick spiritually and isn’t getting any help. Am I wrong?

Moving on…

The fund-raising concert that the FSBM College and Career Group is producing is exactly a month away! I am very excited about this. The band is all set to go, IH is faithfully rehearsing every week, and Pastor Omer and Kuya Jon are going full-speed in promoting this concert. Pray that we reach our goal for the Subic Bay Children’s Home. They really need the help. We are aiming for $2,500-3,000 so that they can fix the roof of the orphanage and get started on building their school. If you want to know more about the Subic Bay Children’s Home, click here to go to their website.

So, Jason Mraz had a concert this past Tuesday and Wednesday night at the Walt Disney Concert Hall and I didn’t go. Oh well…I’m kicking myself right now…oww!

Going to the beach this weekend! I really hope that the weather will cooperate in that we’ll have perfect beach weather this Saturday! In these past couple of days, we’ve been experiencing ‘June-gloom’. The weather has been cool and it even drizzled a little bit this morning. Anyway, the FSBM College and Career group will have our monthly meeting and we’re having it at a beach in Corona Del Mar. I need some sun!

Lost – a new show on ABC in the fall. Same people that produce Alias, so I have high expectations for this show. Dom Monaghan is in it (‘Merry’ from LOTR). Read the synopsis here.