
All Around the World - where I want to live.

Top five places that I would love to move to and eventually settle in:

1. London – I always had a fascination with this city and all of the U.K. since high school. I think it’s the curiosity of driving on the left side of the road that appeals to me the most.
2. New York City – do I even have to explain this?!
3. Paris – I need to learn how to speak French. Then I can move there. Maybe move next door to Johnny Depp, who knows?
4. Toronto – my hometown. This is actually moving back. Now that I look back, I really think this city is one of the coolest cities in the world, and I’m not being biased, really, I’m not.
5. Tokyo – I need to learn how to speak Japanese. “Capseru hoteru” would only get me a really, really small hotel room.

Honorable mentions:

1. Sydney
2. Montreal
3. Boston
4. Vancouver
5. Milan
6. Athens
7. Switzerland
8. New Orleans

I just noticed that I listed 3 Canadian cities. I must really be homesick! LOL