
Apprehension creeps in, but there is also good news.

If you have read my previous entry, I just wanted to point out that I have reached a crossroad with regards to the situation that I am currently in. At this point, I’m not absolutely certain which way to go. I’m constantly praying about it, and each day that goes by makes me more and more apprehensive and anxious. I know that I have to make a decision by Monday, and I don’t even know how to approach it. My daily devotions these past few days seem to pertain to my situation as of late. God knows and it seems like He’s telling me something. Lord, I wish You could just tell me in plain words what to do regarding this situation because I just don’t want to deal with it anymore. But of course, it’s not that simple. I just have to keep listening to Him as each day passes.

Well, on a much lighter note, I got an e-mail a couple of days ago from my good friend from NJ, Ken, informing me that he and his wife Grace and coming to Cali in August! I’m very excited to see them. They’re visiting Pastor Ed and are planning on going to church at CFBC so I’m planning ahead to keep that day open so that I could go up to Walnut to go see them and visit CFBC peeps while I’m there. I have not seen them in a very long time (Ken, Grace, and CFBC peeps). I’m very excited!

Yesterday would’ve been my dad’s 61st birthday. My mom and I went to visit his grave yesterday and brought some flowers. It was pretty special day as one of our really good friends from the Philippines (and from Toronto as well), Kuya Junie Genitiano, was here to visit for just one day and he came along with us to see my dad’s gravesite.
It was nice to see him again to catch up as well as reminisce about the ol’ days back in Pasay Baptist Church.