
Musical Sunday.

Currently Playing
Recorded Live At Java Joe's
By Jason Mraz

My Sunday was all about music for me. I got up early to meet up with the rest of Papuri and we headed up to Bakersfield to sing at a church anniversary. We hit a few glitches here and there, but overall the concert went well, glory to God! We sang about 16 songs and also led praise and worship. The people were very accommodating. We were really blessed by them because they were very patient with us, especially while we were having some technical difficulty that involved our sound system. But the concert went on and everyone’s spirits were lifted. Thank you Lord!

Right after the concert, I hitched a ride with Kuya Matt and family and they dropped me off at the Jazz Bakery in Culver City to see m-pact. I thought I wasn’t going to make it but I did, and boy it was amazing! Can I just say that they (m-pact) are freakishly talented?! I’m always in awe every time I see them! They just get better and better every time! And it seems like their ‘soprano’ Britt Quentin’s range gets higher and higher, I’m very suspicious that he’s a woman disguised as a man (okay, let’s not go there…LoL). And Jake Moulton, man alive! Sorry Jeff Thacher, but you’ve been dethroned from the top spot of my vocal percussionists list. Jake’s just too good for words. It’s okay, you come in 2nd. LOL Anyway, my musical appetite has been sufficiently satisfied yesterday. They’re just simply great. And with the addition of a 6th member (Jeff Smith), they’re even more of a force to be reckoned with, now than ever before. Their jazz songs were simply astounding and their more contemporary songs are more polished and sound fuller with the 6th guy. If you don’t know who m-pact are, you should check them out.

After seeing m-pact, I went with April and Jeremy to a church in East L.A. to see one of Jeremy’s friends, Elson, before he left for China for a short-term missions trip. They were having a send-off service for Elson and his teammates. Praise and worship time was uplifting, I just stood there and listened to and read the words of the songs, a few of which I don’t really know. The testimonies by some of the team members were very encouraging, especially by this girl named Susan. She was going through some rough periods during the past year that involved school, but God just showed to her that He was in complete control of everything and that if she kept seeking Him, kept abiding in His word and completely surrendered her worries to Him, He would take care of her, and He did! When it seemed like everything was hopeless and that there was no way to remedy the situation, God came to her rescue! And because of that she is able to go to China for the missions trip this summer. It was a incredible testimony, it really hit home with me. I’m sure that in some way that was a reminder from God that He’s not finished with me yet.


About worship. (and an update)

I’m taking a short break from working because I’m getting a little dizzy from what I’m thinking is hunger. I’m currently enjoying a cinnamon-raisin bagel with strawberry-flavoured cream cheese and a cup of coffee. Ah, such is the life, eh? LOL

Things are looking up. God has stretched me these past few weeks. I have a much better perspective on things, speaking with different people, seeking biblically-sound advice. God can still use a ministry in spite of one person. I have seen changes in such a short time, changes for the better and to speed up the healing process. God was pruning us. It was a painful process but it had to be done to make us grow and to strengthen our faith. Babie helped me put things into perspective last night.

I’m sleeping over at Audrey’s house in Chino Hills tonight. She’s asked me to drive her to the airport early tomorrow morning. She’s going to Missouri to attend a friend’s wedding (she’s one of the bridesmaids). I wish I could go. I need a vacation. I haven’t had one at all this year (not like I can afford to go anywhere anyway). Maybe I’ll just go to the beach one day and just sit there and read.

Last night, we learned about the kind of worship that pleases God. The study was based on Mark 12:30 (and taken from The Purpose Driven Life)

God is pleased when our worship is accurate – This is a worship that’s based on the truth – how God has revealed Himself in the Scriptures. This is what the phrase “worship in truth” means.

God is pleased when our worship is authentic – We often say that we should worship God in spirit. The word ‘spirit’ here doesn’t refer to the Holy Spirit, but it refers to our spirit. Our spirit is designed to communicate with God. Also, there isn’t one right way to worship. God created us with different personalities and different backgrounds, we should worship Him in the most authentic way we possibly can worship Him, and the best way we can express our worship.

God is pleased when our worship is thoughtful – Often we say “Praise the Lord!” or “hallelujah” without any particular reason but just to say it because it’s typical Christian expressions. But most of the time we never really put much thought into it when we say it. What God warrants from us is that, not only do we say things, but we must put thought into it, and if possible, be specific with what we want to say to Him.

God is pleased when our worship is practical – We must “offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God — this is your spiritual act of worship.” (Rom 12:1) We can worship in spirit, but our spirit can only be where our physical bodies are. When we say, “I can’t be at fellowship tonight, but I’ll be with you in spirit”, that really means nothing, because if your body isn’t there physically, then your spirit isn’t either. Therefore, worship shouldn’t just be learned and thought of, it should be applied. There should be an outward manifestation of what is happening inside.


All Around the World - where I want to live.

Top five places that I would love to move to and eventually settle in:

1. London – I always had a fascination with this city and all of the U.K. since high school. I think it’s the curiosity of driving on the left side of the road that appeals to me the most.
2. New York City – do I even have to explain this?!
3. Paris – I need to learn how to speak French. Then I can move there. Maybe move next door to Johnny Depp, who knows?
4. Toronto – my hometown. This is actually moving back. Now that I look back, I really think this city is one of the coolest cities in the world, and I’m not being biased, really, I’m not.
5. Tokyo – I need to learn how to speak Japanese. “Capseru hoteru” would only get me a really, really small hotel room.

Honorable mentions:

1. Sydney
2. Montreal
3. Boston
4. Vancouver
5. Milan
6. Athens
7. Switzerland
8. New Orleans

I just noticed that I listed 3 Canadian cities. I must really be homesick! LOL


I have finally made a decision so, now what? (and random things)

Well, I have finally made a decision regarding this situation that I have been in for the past 2 weeks. I have a prayed about it every day, and each day that passes, it just confirms to me even more of what I need to do. And I now know what I have to do, it’s just a matter of when I am going to do it. I don’t know that I’ll be able to stay in that kind of environment knowing that there aren’t really any changes happening with one person despite everyone else’s efforts to keep said person accountable. I have no ill feelings towards anyone else who’s involved in the same situation as I am. I love them. But I don’t need that craziness anymore in my life. It took me years to ‘exorcise my demons’ so-to-speak and I don’t want to be influenced by anyone who’s just going to bring me down. I’m not doing this because I’m spiritually perfect, it’s actually the opposite. I am NOT spiritually perfect, I am still growing, and I still have some struggles of my own. Being around a person who will not be an encouragement to me will not help me with my spiritual walk one bit, when I am trying to get up and move towards being Christ-like. If a ministry wasn’t involved, then that’s a whole different story. But we’re part of a ministry, and how can you minister to people when your partner in the ministry is inflicting chaos and pain? I don’t think you can minister effectively when someone that you minister with is seriously sick spiritually and isn’t getting any help. Am I wrong?

Moving on…

The fund-raising concert that the FSBM College and Career Group is producing is exactly a month away! I am very excited about this. The band is all set to go, IH is faithfully rehearsing every week, and Pastor Omer and Kuya Jon are going full-speed in promoting this concert. Pray that we reach our goal for the Subic Bay Children’s Home. They really need the help. We are aiming for $2,500-3,000 so that they can fix the roof of the orphanage and get started on building their school. If you want to know more about the Subic Bay Children’s Home, click here to go to their website.

So, Jason Mraz had a concert this past Tuesday and Wednesday night at the Walt Disney Concert Hall and I didn’t go. Oh well…I’m kicking myself right now…oww!

Going to the beach this weekend! I really hope that the weather will cooperate in that we’ll have perfect beach weather this Saturday! In these past couple of days, we’ve been experiencing ‘June-gloom’. The weather has been cool and it even drizzled a little bit this morning. Anyway, the FSBM College and Career group will have our monthly meeting and we’re having it at a beach in Corona Del Mar. I need some sun!

Lost – a new show on ABC in the fall. Same people that produce Alias, so I have high expectations for this show. Dom Monaghan is in it (‘Merry’ from LOTR). Read the synopsis here.


Friday and Saturday goings-on.

Yesterday, JJ and Geneyem paid us a visit down here in Cerritos. They were here for JJ’s yearly visit to his god-daughter Nevaeh (yes, yearly…just playin’ J! haha). Anyway, it was really nice to see them both again. It’s been a while since I last saw both of them (together and separately). G-pera told me that there have quite a few changes over at CFBC and God is really growing each and every member in their faith. Their passion for witnessing for Jesus Christ is growing stronger. Praise God for that! Anyway, I miss seeing them and I wish that I could visit them up at CFBC soon.

Today was my cousin Kimmie’s graduation and 18th birthday celebration. We went to this buffet restaurant out in Alhambra. Needless to say, we grubbed. LOL I can’t believe that Kimmie’s going to college this fall. I feel really old! Crazy! She was only 10 when my parents and I moved out here to California, and now she’s 18 and going to be freshman. I just pray that she would seek His guidance every day especially now that she will be practically on her own. I gave her a verse, it’s Psalm 37:4 which says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will grant the desires of your heart.” I pray that she would take that to heart especially as she starts college.

Man, it’s sooooo hot today! Argh! I just want to sit in a tub-full of ice-cold water. Ugh!


Birthday greetings!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear friend, Lavern (Chinggay)! Hope you had a blast!

Apprehension creeps in, but there is also good news.

If you have read my previous entry, I just wanted to point out that I have reached a crossroad with regards to the situation that I am currently in. At this point, I’m not absolutely certain which way to go. I’m constantly praying about it, and each day that goes by makes me more and more apprehensive and anxious. I know that I have to make a decision by Monday, and I don’t even know how to approach it. My daily devotions these past few days seem to pertain to my situation as of late. God knows and it seems like He’s telling me something. Lord, I wish You could just tell me in plain words what to do regarding this situation because I just don’t want to deal with it anymore. But of course, it’s not that simple. I just have to keep listening to Him as each day passes.

Well, on a much lighter note, I got an e-mail a couple of days ago from my good friend from NJ, Ken, informing me that he and his wife Grace and coming to Cali in August! I’m very excited to see them. They’re visiting Pastor Ed and are planning on going to church at CFBC so I’m planning ahead to keep that day open so that I could go up to Walnut to go see them and visit CFBC peeps while I’m there. I have not seen them in a very long time (Ken, Grace, and CFBC peeps). I’m very excited!

Yesterday would’ve been my dad’s 61st birthday. My mom and I went to visit his grave yesterday and brought some flowers. It was pretty special day as one of our really good friends from the Philippines (and from Toronto as well), Kuya Junie Genitiano, was here to visit for just one day and he came along with us to see my dad’s gravesite.
It was nice to see him again to catch up as well as reminisce about the ol’ days back in Pasay Baptist Church.


A long overdue update.

It has been a very stressful 2 weeks. Things have unraveled that sent me on a tailspin. Even though the events that have transpired within the past 2 weeks didn’t happen to me directly, I am still affected by it. To be honest, I’m really confused by the whole thing. It’s so hard because I’m getting different information from two different parties. I have tried to look at the situation objectively, and I understand both sides now. However, I don’t want to participate anymore in backbiting or blame game. There’s a bigger task at hand and I am more interested in helping the suffering party heal and move on. I understand that it will take a while, and I am willing to help as much as I can to help them cope. I understand their situation, and I just think that what has been done to them could’ve been handled differently and in a more gracious manner.

God called us to be peacemakers. That was the topic of my devotion this morning, oddly enough. But I know that it’s not coincidence that I read that particular devotion today. It’s very appropriate for the situation that I’m somewhat involved in right now. The passage was taken from 1 Samuel 25:14-25. It’s the story of Abigail, Nabal’s wife. If it weren’t for her courage, the future King David could’ve committed a terrible sin against her husband Nabal. It is a sin that should not be committed because Nabal’s actions were foolish. Realizing that Nabal’s actions were foolish, she took it upon herself to resolve the conflict between David and Nabal. She prevented Nabal from being killed and David from committing murder. And because of what she had done, David realized that she had spared him from “carrying out a vengeful decision” as it were, and he praised God.

The question that we are to ask ourselves is, are we as quick to resolve a conflict? My prayer is that we are, and not let the spirit of bitterness and revenge penetrate our hearts, which will prevent us from sinning. I know that we (and you know who you are) will be able to get pass this with God’s help and we will be able to continue the ministry that He has blessed us with.

On to other matters…

For those who know about the Papuri concert on Father’s Day, June 20th, I just want to let you know that the concert has been cancelled. We have not decided yet if we are going to reschedule, but we will keep you posted (those who knew about it of course).

NBA Finals! It’s between the Lakers and the Pistons. It’s brings me back to the early ‘90s when L.A. and Detroit’s rivalry was at its peak. Isiah (yes, that’s how he spells his name) and Magic on the court playing against each other was pure showtime! I know that the Lakers will win this, but I’m secretly rooting for the Pistons (haha, I’m gonna get a beating for this! LOL).

Oh, I finally saw Troy. I was a little bit disappointed. The cinematography wasn’t impressive as I had hoped. I was expecting breath-taking battle scenes. The only scene that I really liked was the ‘panning-out’ camera shot of the 1,000 ships on the Aegean. Brad Pitt was Brad Pitt. I can never get into the character of Achilles because I see Brad Pitt on-screen and I think “it’s Brad Pitt playing Achilles”. Sean Bean (King Odysseus) was brilliant as usual. I sighed every time I saw him on screen, LOL. Orlando’s character Paris was a major wuss, but he sort of redeemed himself at the end however. LOL So, no, I did not hate Orlando that much…haha! LOL The guy who played King Agammemnon was over the top! He was a good baddie! LOL Diane Kruger (a.k.a. ‘Helen of Troy’) was a little too stoic for me. I didn’t believe that she was madly in-love with Paris at all. I thought Saffron Burrows (Andromache) was a whole lot prettier than she is. She could’ve been ‘Helen’ (but too tall for Paris, hehe). Okay, that was my movie commentary for the day. Next movie I want to see if The Day After Tomorrow.

Well, that is all for now. Until next entry.


The wonder that is a cappella.

Have a listen HERE.

It’s a German a cappella group called OisVoice doing an a cappella rendition of Jason Mraz’s “The Remedy“. Sounds a little funny with the accents. :) But the arrangement is great though, they’ve achieved a full sound.

Anyway, that’s my random a cappella commentary.


“Hit me baby, one more time.”

You will never want to hear the song “Baby One More Time” sung any other way than how this guy sang it on The Sharon Osbourne Show today. An acoustic version of the Britney Spears hit? You’d think it can never be done, but he did it, quite beautifully I might add, and in the original key, no less! LOL He puts Britney to shame! LOL

Oooh, In Harmony had a recording session yesterday. hehe Well, Jeremy brought his recording equipment yesterday and we did a recording session at April’s house, just for the fun of it. Had a blast and can’t wait to hear the finished product. It sounded fine, in it’s raw form, but I can’t wait to hear it after all the mixing had been done and such.