
Bible passage of the day.

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.    Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.    In the same way, let your light shine before others, so  that they may see your good works and  give glory to your Father who is in heaven." - Matthew 5:14-16 (ESV)


Lies - Shine A Light Concert - G Dragon (Big Bang)

I'm moved. Completely moved. I'm crying. G Dragon, playing the piano, is inspiring. Then, the rest of Big Bang comes out, and I'm a complete mess.


Belated Christmas greetings!

I'm sorry it's a day late. But here's my special Christmas greeting to everyone. Please enjoy, particularly at 0:16, it's the cutest. :)
Didn't realize 2 of my favourite things (Big Bang and Sherlock) can be connected in this way. LOL OMG.

And T.O.P. - don't tempt me. XD


My impeccable timing.

Yet again, my timing is impeccable. Story of my life. Just as well. I have this tendency to be the first to let someone know that I like them. Over the years, I've done it, and it doesn't quite work out well in the end. I end up getting hurt. As I've grown older, I guess, I've learned how to restrain myself. I can be impulsive when it comes to matters of the heart. If I like someone, I fall really hard, and then I get caught up with my emotions, and eventually tell them how I feel about them, and I end up looking like a fool. I'm glad I was able to restrain myself this time, and not let my heart and my feelings get the best of me. I was on the brink of it again, but somehow, I was able to convince myself not to do anything. It worked out anyway, since I'm a little too late. Not that I had a chance anyway, but I wanted to express how I felt. I'm glad I didn't say or do anything. I guess I'm growing up? haha All I got were mixed signals anyway. I wasn't sure how the other party felt. Confused and uncertain. But, I could have been reading too much into things though. Ahhhhh....I need to stop. Anyway, whatever window of opportunity I had, already closed. Like I said, my timing's impeccable.


Today's outfit, inspired by Ri? Oy. They're invading my subconscious. I don't mind at all. Just sayin'. LOL

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Big Bang Electric Love Tour (HQ) - A Good Man

I'm just totally discovering BigBang, so forgive me if I've been posting about them multiple times in one day, it seems. I've been aware of them since 2007, but I'm just completely becoming a total fan. This song. OMG, this song. I just heard this song for the first time tonight. T.O.P. wrote it. What a beautiful song. Tabi's totally like me, when he gets hurt, he gets hurt very deeply, and you can hear it in the lyrics of the songs he's written. Ahh...this song will be on repeat for a while.


Musicians are my Achilles' heel, my weak spot, and my eventual downfall. LOL I acknowledge this. Ahhh... I am hopeless. Even worse, I like the "bad boy" type, but with a gentle heart. Such contrast, but that's me. Aish! I can't even explain it. I gravitate towards this type. Sigh. Hanging my head in shame. LOL

Today's verse.

And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. --1 Corinthians 2:1-2

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The Hobbit!

Middle Earth in less than 4 hours!

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I haven't had much of an appetite for the past few days. Make that, the past few weeks. I barely finish my food, especially at lunch. When I get home, even when there's a really good home-cooked meal prepared, I could only do a couple of bites of it, then I'm done. I wasn't able to have a break to eat some proper lunch today. Thank God, my co-worker, bought me a Sourdough Jack from Jack in the Crack (Jack in the Box), and a soda, and was able to eat while working. I devoured that sucker though. First time I was able to finish any type of meal these past few weeks. Tonight, my mom cooked some chicken tinola and chicken curry - both faves! I had my choice of what to eat. But, I only had 2 bites! What the heck? My appetite has gone completely awry. The plus side, I suppose, is that I won't be gaining weight (to be honest, I'd like to continue to lose some weight, lose the "love-handles or pouches" around my waist). The negative side is that, it's made my digestive system completely whack! I suppose it's part of getting older.


"The Vow" - what if it happened to you?

Just finished watching "The Vow" on one of our Encore movie channels, despite the fact that I do not like Channing Tatum as an actor (he's pretty decent in this movie, though). And it made me wonder, what if that happened to me? God forbid that it does, but what if I lose my memory and forget how I feel about my husband, or if it happens to him and he forgets his feelings for me. What would you do? Would you wait around forever, without having the guarantee that they would remember or ever feel the same way they did before the accident? Or would you just bail. It's such a hard situation.

Light It Up - G-Dragon and Tablo (Epik High) at the Stay G4 concert, Seoul.

G-Dragon and Tablo, performing "Light It Up" at the Stay G4 Concert in Seoul last night (Korea time). Finally! I'm spazzing!

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Verse of the day.

"Long ago the Lord said to Israel: 'I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.'" - Jeremiah 31:3 NLT



HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LEE SEUNG HYUN! a.k.a. Seung ri, V.I., Victory, Panda, Seung-chan of BIG BANG. Yes, I've fallen in love with these boys. #121212VIDay You're the dongsaeng (younger brother) I wish I had! :)

MONKEY MAJIK Aishiteru I Love You

I discovered this song during the height of my J-Pop (Japanese Pop music) obsession. I loved the song immediately. And the fact that these guys are Canadian ex-pats, made me love it even more. We, Canucks, like to stick together and support each other, eh? LOL


Another loss.

Wow. Received news on another death. My friend Peter Lacanienta, just lost his mom this morning. It's really hard since it's so close to the holidays, and I can imagine how difficult it is losing someone and not having them around during the holidays. I lost my dad in April of 2001. It was earlier on in the year, but it was incredibly difficult to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas that year. So, I know how it's going to feel for them. It is going to take a long time to get over. First, the Tibayans losing their precious Danika, and now, the Lacanientas, losing their beloved mother. Praying that the God of all comfort will wrap His loving and caring arms around them at this difficult time.


[Eng Sub] GD - "THAT XX" ver. Uncensored

This could totally be Romnelvan Given's song. TOTALLY.



Pacman lost. I'm still stunned. But, Manny said it himself, it's a fight, you get hit. Is it time to hang it up for Manny? Only time will tell. He's got other priorities now. He's had a good run so far. If it ends here, there's nothing for him to be ashamed of. He's a champ and one of the best there ever was in boxing.

Going completely off-tangent, I'd have to say, being chatted up by a cute guy, is not a bad thing. Not a bad thing AT ALL. I was this close to asking a guy for his # so that we can hang. I told him I live in Fullerton. He says that he's out here a lot. But this boy is TOTALLY a young'n. By my calculations, he's only 23 years old. Um, I know I've always been a "cougar", but (excuse my french) DAMN. 23?! I could be your noona, I suppose. LOL I kid, I kid. It's fun when I can still get some attention from cute, young boys. ;) Makes me smile. :)

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Star Trek Into Darkness - Official Teaser (HD)

This looks like it's going to be EPIC. I'm getting too many feels. My inner Trekkie is completely geeking out. I can't wait! Between this, The Hobbit, and Les Miserables, I have so many movies to finally look forward to go and watch. It's been awhile since I've been excited to see a movie. The last time was Return of The King, which was about 5 years ago? Wow.


Homey, you are cute, but I think I'm old enough to be your mother. SMH.

Weekend's here.

Ahhh... Looking forward to the weekend. Saturday's gonna be hectic. A couple more weeks and then I'm off for about a week and a half! I'm sooo excited! I wanna go visit my BFF Vanessa and her family in TX.

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Love this girl! She’s too cute! I love her voice! She’s only 16 (17 in Korean age)! And props to Lydia Paek for writing this song (produced by Choice37).

SISTAR19(씨스타19) 'MaBoy' M/V full HD

Such a cute song. And they're cute. Hyolin can sing.


T.O.P - Calvin Klein Shoot Interview [ENG SUB]

It's not fair that he exists in this world, and I CAN'T HAVE HIM! SO. NOT. FAIR. *sulks* LOL
Oh, and while you read the English subs, you'll read "perfect aura" somewhere in there. Yeah. ME. LOL


I'm sooooo tempted to go to NYC for my winter holiday. Argh. I doubt I can afford to, though. I've missed that city. I haven't been back to NYC since 2008, for my cousin's wedding. I used to go a lot. 4 times within a span of 2 years and a week or more at a time. I've become fairly familiar with my way around Manhattan. Argh. I missing it!

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Vacation baby!

I got approved to take off for 11 days starting Christmas Eve (12/24)! What! Thank you, Lord! Who wants to play? ;)

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Being happy again.

Last night, seeing Take 6, makes me wonder even more why I'm not doing anything in music. I really wish I could just make music and perform it for a living. I'm not sure where it all went wrong, but I guess everything happens for a reason. I know I made wrong choices and decisions along the way, that's why I ended up where I'm at. I am grateful to God for even having this job that I currently have, but to be completely honest, I've become a completely different person because of this job. I think I let this job get to me. I have become bitter and angry. Every single day, there's not one moment when I'm not irritated or annoyed at something or someone. I've never yelled at anyone in my entire life up until I started this job. I'm always on edge, I'm always on the brink of walking out. Because of the current situation I'm in, it's hard to find another job. I can't really explain, but my circumstances limits me from finding a new job, even though I've been looking for one for so long. Thus, why I want to go back home to Toronto. I believe more opportunities are available for me there.

Anyway, I miss music. I miss performing on a regular basis. I miss being surrounded by it. I was a much happier and brighter person when I was doing music. I think part of the reason why I get attached to music groups that I like is because I want to do what they're doing. I want to be out there, in front of the crowds, sharing my music, and people appreciating it. I think I live vicariously through these groups that I love so much. That is why I want to know everything about them. I envy them so much. I tear up just thinking about it. I know God has given me a gift, and I'm sad that I don't get to fully use it. I haven't been happy for the past 2 years, and I want it to change. I need it to change, so I can go back to the person I was 2 years ago.

Take 6!

I finally met some musical heroes of mine last night - multi-awarded, super vocal group, TAKE 6!

I've loved them since I was 12, and they were the ones who introduced me to vocal jazz and complicated, luscious 6-part harmonies.

Here I am with Alvin Chea (in white) who is their bass, and Claude McKnight (in dark shirt), who is their first tenor, and Brian McKnight's older brother. I was completely being a fan-girl! Man, they made me miss performing on a regular basis. I miss doing music! Wish I could just do that for a living. Sigh.