
“Sylar stole my brain.”

I’m a bit discombobulated right now. Thus, the title of this blog. I feel like Sylar did steal my brain. I’m not quite sure why I’ve been the way I am for the past few days. I noticed this ever since I returned from New York. The time-difference wasn’t THAT drastic, so I highly doubt that’s the reason (I’d be totally surprised if it is! - LOL). I don’t quite know how to describe it, it’s like my brain is in a fog right now.

NYC Tales - Part deux:

My trip to NYC was way too short. I wish I had stayed ’til the end of the week. Just when I had started to get used to the time difference, it was time for me to return to L.A. I didn’t even make my way uptown! That’s OK, I’ll save it for my next NYC trip. ;) (Yes, I’ve caught the bug again!)

The wedding was wonderful, by the way. I had mentioned on my previous blog the reason why I went to the East coast, and that’s because one of my cousins got married. The ceremony was held at a beautiful Catholic church in New Jersey (St. Aloysius). The reception was held at a country club in upstate NJ. I’ll post some pictures as soon as I’m able to.

Was able to meet up with my friends Ken and Grace and finally meet their kids, Karael and Kal-el (any Superman fans out there?). It was also great to see his mom, Auntie Beth, whom I haven’t seen in years, and his brother Kevin, who was also visiting, from Toronto. We swung by their condo and did a little bit of catching up, as well as watch Ken’s big-screen debut in “Transformers” - haha (well, he wasn’t actually in the movie, there was a clip of him at BotCon last year and it was included in the Special Features disc). Also met up with my friend Karen, who used to live in Long Beach and went to the same church as me. She moved to NYC about 3 years ago, it was great to see her again. Can’t forget the Big Smooth himself (he’ll be Big Poppa soon!), our friend, and ex-Ordinary People compadre, Bo. He accompanied my family and I on our whirlwind tour of Manhattan, and we got to reminisce about the days when we were young…BOP! (inside OP thing, just listen to Boyz II Men’s “Thank You” for reference).

Highlights of this trip: the 4-hour whirlwind tour of Manhattan with 11 people (my family - we’re quite a sight to behold when we’re on family trips - LOL), a 3-hour boat tour around the whole island of Manhattan (I highly recommend this, especially for those who’ve visited NYC, but want a different perspective on it), Grey’s Papaya, walking around the Village at night (I’ve always wanted to do that), buying apple crisps at Magnolia Bakery, finding a Yogurtland in the Village, “IN THE HEIGHTS”!!!!, posing for pics with most of the cast (but no Lin-Manuel Miranda - bummer), Century 21 (gosh, that place is insane - LOL), and of course - White Castle Burgers’ CRAVE CASE!

All-in-all I had a fantastic time, even though it was quite quick. All the more reason for me to take a trip back, and soon I hope! Pictures to follow soon!