
NYC Tales - Part 1

As I had mentioned previously on my blog, I am in NYC! Today was “see-NYC-in-4-hours” kind of a deal, as some of my relatives have never been to Manhattan before. It was a whirlwind tour and we hit pretty much the major places to go to, including Rockefeller Center. As soon as I set my foot on Rockefeller Center Plaza, I immediately did my “The Right Stuff” dance along with my friend Bo and my cousin April, in honour of the New Kids’ May 5th performance at the very same spot! I wish I had someone capture that on video, but we were too giddy to do anything else but dance, so it will only live on in our memories. Good times, good times.

I’m so wishing I’d be back in L.A. for their concert this Wednesday, but alas, I will be still be on the plane heading home, while the concert is going on. :’( I’ll just have to wait ’til November 26th to get my chance. :)

I’m exhausted, time to hit the sack! Good night! (actually it’s technically morning now)