
It’s that time of the year again.

I woke up this morning with the sniffles. Ugh! It’s that time of the year again! I’ve been sitting here at work, sneezing and blowing my nose endlessly. I took some allergy medicine but it doesn’t seem to work. I really hope it’s just the allergies because I cannot afford to be sick, especially in the next couple of months what with all the church functions and singing. I actually didn’t get sick at this time last year, I’m determined to fight this off! More liquids, lots of rest (hah!). I ain’t goin’ down ya’ll. Prayers please! Thanks much. :)

Last Sunday, our church, Olive Christian, celebrated 15 years of God’s faithfulness! We sort of pulled together the planning almost last-minute, but it went really smoothly (almost!), except for the fact that we started half-hour later than we intended. We were blessed to have Saddleback Church’s Ohana (their Aloha Friday Night group), and they shared to us their gifts in song and dance. Praise God for a wonderful time and for those who came and celebrated with us!

I’ve heard it said that death usually comes in threes - and it’s certainly the case these past couple of weeks. Two weekends ago, my Uncle Joel (my mom’s cousin), passed away. He died of a heart-attack and he wasn’t even 50 years old. He is survived by his 3 kids: Jeremiah, Abigail, and John. Their mom passed away about 7 or 8 years ago. Then last weekend, my friend Marnie informed me that her aunt passed away. And just yesterday, she also informed me that her paternal grandmother passed away in the Philippines. It’s always an emotional blow whenever a loved one passes on. I know it all too well. The first few days, you go into survival mode, because there are so many things to take care of. It only starts to hit you when everything’s done, when the dust settles so-to-speak. And that’s when you actually mourn. And I’m sure that my cousins and my friend will go through that phase. But I know that they take comfort in the fact that their loved ones are in Jesus’ arms (they were all believers), and hold on to the hope that they will see them again someday. Please keep all of these families in your prayers. Thank you.

OK, let’s switch gears and not end this on a somber note. :) Still reeling from last night’s episode of Heroes - what in the world is going on?! It’s getting crazier and crazier and more confusing! Bad guys turning into good guys and vice versa! Have to wait 2 weeks for a new episode. They’re making up for a not-so stellar season last year (and of course, the writer’s strike didn’t help!). Should be a good season.

My blatherings end here for tonight. :)


My heart’s desire…

I’ve been listening to this song here at work over and over… The greatest desire of my heart, but because I am human and in this imperfect flesh, I find it a struggle at times. But I press on, by His grace, I press on…

(by Shane & Shane)

Holy design
This place in time
That I might seek your face, my God
My God

Lord I want to yearn for You
I want to burn with passion
Over You, and only You
Lord I want to yearn for You
I want to burn with passion
Over You, and only You
Lord I want to yearn

Your joy is mine
Yet why am I fine
With all my singing and bringing grain
In light of Him

Oh You give life and breath
In You we live and move
That’s why I sing



Allow me to rave about this a little more…


“Sylar stole my brain.”

I’m a bit discombobulated right now. Thus, the title of this blog. I feel like Sylar did steal my brain. I’m not quite sure why I’ve been the way I am for the past few days. I noticed this ever since I returned from New York. The time-difference wasn’t THAT drastic, so I highly doubt that’s the reason (I’d be totally surprised if it is! - LOL). I don’t quite know how to describe it, it’s like my brain is in a fog right now.

NYC Tales - Part deux:

My trip to NYC was way too short. I wish I had stayed ’til the end of the week. Just when I had started to get used to the time difference, it was time for me to return to L.A. I didn’t even make my way uptown! That’s OK, I’ll save it for my next NYC trip. ;) (Yes, I’ve caught the bug again!)

The wedding was wonderful, by the way. I had mentioned on my previous blog the reason why I went to the East coast, and that’s because one of my cousins got married. The ceremony was held at a beautiful Catholic church in New Jersey (St. Aloysius). The reception was held at a country club in upstate NJ. I’ll post some pictures as soon as I’m able to.

Was able to meet up with my friends Ken and Grace and finally meet their kids, Karael and Kal-el (any Superman fans out there?). It was also great to see his mom, Auntie Beth, whom I haven’t seen in years, and his brother Kevin, who was also visiting, from Toronto. We swung by their condo and did a little bit of catching up, as well as watch Ken’s big-screen debut in “Transformers” - haha (well, he wasn’t actually in the movie, there was a clip of him at BotCon last year and it was included in the Special Features disc). Also met up with my friend Karen, who used to live in Long Beach and went to the same church as me. She moved to NYC about 3 years ago, it was great to see her again. Can’t forget the Big Smooth himself (he’ll be Big Poppa soon!), our friend, and ex-Ordinary People compadre, Bo. He accompanied my family and I on our whirlwind tour of Manhattan, and we got to reminisce about the days when we were young…BOP! (inside OP thing, just listen to Boyz II Men’s “Thank You” for reference).

Highlights of this trip: the 4-hour whirlwind tour of Manhattan with 11 people (my family - we’re quite a sight to behold when we’re on family trips - LOL), a 3-hour boat tour around the whole island of Manhattan (I highly recommend this, especially for those who’ve visited NYC, but want a different perspective on it), Grey’s Papaya, walking around the Village at night (I’ve always wanted to do that), buying apple crisps at Magnolia Bakery, finding a Yogurtland in the Village, “IN THE HEIGHTS”!!!!, posing for pics with most of the cast (but no Lin-Manuel Miranda - bummer), Century 21 (gosh, that place is insane - LOL), and of course - White Castle Burgers’ CRAVE CASE!

All-in-all I had a fantastic time, even though it was quite quick. All the more reason for me to take a trip back, and soon I hope! Pictures to follow soon!


“Heights” Cool Musical - “Bet On It”

My new fave. While I was in New York this past week, I went to see a new musical called, “In The Heights”, on Broadway, which won the Best Musical at this year’s Tony Awards. April and I got front row (dead center!) tickets via lottery (courtesy of Gary) for last Tuesday’s performance. Needless to say, I was hooked. Which brings me to this video that I’m posting right now. It’s by the creator of ITH, Lin-Manuel Miranda. I believe it’s a promotional video for his then off-Broadway musical, which spoofs Zac Efron’s “Bet On It” from HSM2 complete with the dance moves! Hilarious!

Anyway, if you liked “Rent” or if ever you’re in New York and wonder what musical to see, I highly recommend “In The Heights”.


NYC Tales - Part 1

As I had mentioned previously on my blog, I am in NYC! Today was “see-NYC-in-4-hours” kind of a deal, as some of my relatives have never been to Manhattan before. It was a whirlwind tour and we hit pretty much the major places to go to, including Rockefeller Center. As soon as I set my foot on Rockefeller Center Plaza, I immediately did my “The Right Stuff” dance along with my friend Bo and my cousin April, in honour of the New Kids’ May 5th performance at the very same spot! I wish I had someone capture that on video, but we were too giddy to do anything else but dance, so it will only live on in our memories. Good times, good times.

I’m so wishing I’d be back in L.A. for their concert this Wednesday, but alas, I will be still be on the plane heading home, while the concert is going on. :’( I’ll just have to wait ’til November 26th to get my chance. :)

I’m exhausted, time to hit the sack! Good night! (actually it’s technically morning now)


NYC, here I come!

I’m leaving for New York City this Friday, along with most of my relatives, and my mom. We’re all taking separate flights but we’re heading to New York for the same reason - one of my cousins, Rachel, is getting married this Saturday. I will only be staying for 5 full days over there, but I will definitely make it a point to savour every moment I spend in the city that has become very dear to my heart. Not only am I looking forward to the wedding, which will probably be very beautiful and emotional (they’ve been together since high school), but I’m looking forward to discovering NYC again. This will be my first time back to New York since 2002. I had been to NYC back in 1997 during a tour with my university chorale - was there for 2 days and 1 night, then again in 2001 once, and twice in 2002. I’d been wanting to return but have not had the opportunity nor a good reason to visit until now. I’ve always been praying for a proper holiday, and the Lord granted it! Praise God! So, “start spreadin’ the news, I’m leavin’ today”… well, actually, I’m leavin’ Friday - haha!

While in NY, I will try to catch a show (or 2) with my cousins. Possibly visit places that I was never able to visit during my previous trips to Manhattan. Too bad it’s not summer anymore, I really would’ve love to have checked out Shakespeare in the Park. It just reminded me of my friend, Nina, who’s currently doing missions with YWAM (Youth with a Mission) in England. She had mentioned to me over chat the other day that she was going to go to The Globe Theatre the following day and catch one of her favourite plays, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” (also one of my faves). That is a dream come true! Shakespeare in the Park would’ve been as close as I would get to see Shakespeare’s work, until I actually get myself to England and watch it at The Globe. One day. *sigh*

Anyway, I will definitely post pictures of the trip on all of my many homes in cyberspace. LOL ‘Ta!