

I’m exhausted. We’ve been painting for the past 3 days now here at work. The staff decided to paint the 2 big studios here at the school. We finished one already, and it looks really nice. Light purple/lavender and yellow. We call it the ‘Laker’ room because of the colours. :) We’ve finished that room, now we’re onto the big studio in front. We’ve pretty much done the primer and painted one side of the room with a pretty light blue colour, we’re going to paint the opposite walls with a nice light pink shade. It’s going to look really cute. We’ll call it the ‘Baby’ room. :)

Anyway, like I said, I’m exhausted. I’ve never done this much manual labour since last year when I went to the mission trip with my Bible study group from church. My arms are really sore, my lower back hurts, and my shoulders are aching like no other. I guess that’s my workout for the year. hah! Well, I’m going to try to get some work done. Will be back on Monday!


Letting out a barbaric yawp...

…Well, at least that’s what I want to do. It’s been quite a couple days. I don’t exactly know what’s bothering me, but something definitely is. Here I am, in a definite funk. Lord, help me get out of this. I’ll chalk it up to hormones. I haven’t been sleeping well. I wake up more tired than before I’d gone to sleep. It’s just these past 2 days. I need a massage, I need something to release the tension that I’m feeling all over my body. My neck hurts, my back’s sore. *sigh* I need a holiday that requires me to just sit and not do anything at all.


I *heart* him.

I’ve found a new love, and his name is Ernie Halter. *sigh*

His voice is like buttah.


I'm back!

I’m back! Vegas was a blast! I went buck wild, you name it, I did it…………………..NOT! hahaha It was a chill weekend. I wish we had more time. But it’s OK, I had fun nonetheless. It wasn’t too hot. Well, it wasn’t humid, just dry heat, but I was comfortable. We spent a lot of time indoors and in the pool anyway. Didn’t get much sleep. I wanted to play Poker, but the minimums were too steep for me. Anyway, during downtimes at the timeshare, we played games - BANG! and Catchphrase, which is THE game. hahaha The buffet at Wynn was incredible! So many choices, and the desserts, wow! Crepes baby, crepes! *drool* It was great. A bit pricey, but worth it, I think. I might go back to Vegas next month for some friends’ birthdays. We’ll see.


Gone for the rest of the week.

Vegas this weekend. We’re leaving tomorrow night. Can’t wait. My first holiday this year (without singing obligations). I’m just hoping to have some down time, relax, get some swim on. Short trip, but I can only take so much of Vegas anyway, it’s not like I gamble, LOL. Maybe we’ll get to see a show. I’ll write about it when I get back. Well, not ALL of it. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, right? (I just had a flashback of Ron Livingston saying that phrase. *swoon*) haha Yeah right. I jest. You know me, I’m a good girl. I’m usually the party-pooper, ask my cousins, they know. hehe And in most circumstances, I’m more than happy to be a party-pooper. Set your limits, all in moderation, all that good stuff. We’ll see… As soon as I hit the stateline, all that might go out the window….again, I jest. You know how I do.
‘Til Monday. Bye!

Movie recommendations: “Au revoir, les enfants” and "Friends and Crocodiles”



I suppose I should provide an explanation regarding my previous post. First off, I’d like to thank those who left me notes of well-wishes. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind thoughts. What happened was my car got hit from behind last Friday, while it was parked at the lot at work. I’m OK, I was not hurt at all. I was still inside our building when it happened. However, my car suffered some damage – a broken tail light (the right one), my right rear tire blew out from the impact, and I have a dent on my door on the right side as well (the back door), and a nasty streak of black paint on the side. I walked out of the building and found my car in that condition, and it’s just very disheartening. It was a hit-and-run and unfortunately, there were no witnesses. I’m just glad that I wasn’t in the car when it all happened. Thank God. Now, I have to deal with the insurance stuff… *groan* The police told me that someone might have been doing “donuts” in the parking lot and hit the car. Unfortunately, the lights at the parking lot weren’t on either, so it was pitch dark outside. The driver was probably intoxicated so he or she didn’t see my car until it was too late. *sigh* So, there you have it, the reason why I ‘m chalking up 8/3/07 as a bad day.


Weekend goings-on

Celebrated my cousin Joyce’s b-day this past weekend, starting with a b-day/housewarming party for her on Saturday, and then Magic Castle last Sunday night, which was so much fun, and to top it off, my cousin Chel from NY/NJ area was in town on business, but was able to join us for the weekend. If you ever go to the Magic Castle, ya’ll need to order their Mondo-sized steak. You will not believe the enormity of said steak, I give props to Jade and Christine (esp. Jade) for finishing the whole thing, without breaking a sweat! LOL I had a blast.

Sunday morning was our first joint service with the mother church (North Long Beach Christian) and the Cambodian mission, after not having had one for quite a while. It’s always nice to fellowship with other brethren in Christ outside your church family. We’ll be having these fellowships everytime there’s a 5th Sunday in a month. (And Pastor Carter made sure I know that I owe him 3 more songs - *sigh* LOL).

Belated Happy b-day to Aud (yesterday)! I already greeted her yesterday, and got her a cake, white cake with strawberries, kiwi and peaches all around - YUM!

Next week…VEGAS!