
I miss singing.

I realized that I haven't really done much singing, outside of church that is, for a few months now. Papuri took a break in February and this month from rehearsing and we're hoping to start up again in April, and In Harmony is on an indefinite hiatus (gosh, I miss singing with my cousins!). Last night, I just had a grand time rehearsing with our Praise and Worship team, learning new songs (new to us, at least), and I got to play my guitar as well (I've developed the callouses again). It was just an awesome time.

I auditioned for my co-worker's band a few months ago, and it seemed like they were leaning towards getting both Blessing and I to be their singers. For the audition, they had us sing 3 songs - Chaka Khan's "You Got the Love" (that was a blast to sing, btw), "Something to Talk About" by Bonnie Raitt, and "Use Me" by Bill Withers (yes, I did the Scott Leonard/Rockapella version, vocally I mean). But alas, the drummer had other plans, upped and left to follow this girl in NYC - hah! So, that's not going to happen at all.

I'm living vicariously through the Americal Idol contestants this season. I've got faves, like Katherine McPhee (I want her to win), Mandisa, Chris Daughtry, and Elliott Yamin (I just love his voice, and I'm a sucker for guys who can sing, who cares if he's not Mr. Goodlooks?! He CAN SAING (sing), picks the most difficult songs to sing like "Moody's Mood for Love" and "Knocks Me Off My Feet" and nails 'em!), and then of course, for aesthetic purposes, Ace Young (LOL). They got to meet one of my favourite artists of all-time, Stevie Wonder, they got to sing his songs. No, I'm not dreaming to be on AI, (besides I'm WAY past the age limit - hah), but just the fact that you get to go and sing everyday of your life in front of the world is exciting. Different kind of adrenalin. Ahhh… I just love to sing, and I'm thankful that God has blessed me with some sort of ability to sing. I'm very grateful.


Some kind of survey.

Just for fun, because I feel like it. Got it from Jax

Four Jobs I’ve Had in My Life
1. Food service/Cashier (McDonald’s)
2. Library Circulation Desk worker
3. Legal Assistant at an Estate Planning Law Firm
4. Music School Administrator

Four Films I Can Watch Over and Over
1. Love Actually
2. The Lord of the Rings - all 3
3. Band of Brothers
4. Amadeus

Four Places I Have Lived
1. Pasay City, Manila, PHILIPPINES
2. Sucat, Paranaque, Manila, PHILIPPINES
3. Scarborough, Ontario, CANADA
4. Cerritos, CA, U.S.A.

Four TV Programs I Love to Watch
1. Oprah
2. Extreme Makeover - Home Edition
3. Masterpiece Theatre on PBS
4. BBC World News (on PBS)

Four Places I Would Have Visited, Had I Had the Money
1. London
2. Paris
3. Tokyo
4. Berlin

Four Websites I Visit Daily
1. My emails (yahoo, hotmail & gmail)
2. My blogs (and some friends’ blogs)
3. Toronto.com
4. TOR.n (The One Ring dot net)

Four of My Favourite Foods
1. Sushi
2. Pasta (especially any seafood pasta with cream sauce - yum)
3. Beef afritada (Filipino style)
4. Orange chicken and chowmein from the Chinese fast-food place down the street from work.

Four Places I Would Rather Be
1. Home
2. Starbucks/Barnes & Noble/Borders
3. New York
4. London

Four Bloggers I Am Tagging (in no particular order)
1. whoever feels like killing time and doing this.



I’m in serious need of caffeine right now! What a day this has been! It seems like all the EGRs decided to pick on me today. Grace, Lord, grant me the grace AND the patience. *sigh*

Thanks for letting me vent. I’m done.

The song I’m listening to: “Trying Times” by boyz II men - how appropo.


Guess who’s back?

Well folks, I’m back. I apologize for the long hiatus. I wasn’t intending on staying away for that long, but it just so happened that I didn’t really have anything to talk about (not that I have anything to talk about now).

I’ve had quite a long day and I’m just thankful that the day has finally ended. I know I should be getting some sleep, but somehow, I’m too restless to sleep. I started the day late (which is not really a surprise). I arrived at work and I just jumped right in an immersed myself in whatever it was that I had to take care of. I’m a bit stressed out since we are starting a new semester with new classes in the next couple of weeks, and I’m already anticipating that it’s going to be slightly chaotic in the next couple of days, in preparation for the new semester. I have no holidays to look forward to, as I don’t have the time to go on one, so I don’t really have time to relax and unwind. I’m looking forward to a brief getaway in December, but that’s months away. I’m still not sure if I’d be able to afford to go on that trip. There’s Vegas in June, but that’s not really a holiday since I’ll be “working”. No, not that kind of “work” (hah! - ya’ll are crazy), more like a singing gig at one of the hotels over there. That’s still in the planning stages, so we’ll see how that pans out.

Everyone’s getting sick around me. My mom’s just barely recovered from her cough - she was having major coughing fits. I think I’m about to come down with something, but I’m fighting it, darn it! I ain’t goin’ down ya’ll. I can’t afford to be sick. Pray for me - I’m gonna need it in the next couple of weeks.

Can you believe I’m currently listening to Teena Marie?! I know, random. I’m at my aunt’s house right now, watching the kids for the night. She had asked me to babysit, as well as do some work-related stuff for her. It had become quiet, couldn’t stand the silence any longer, so I signed on Launch.com, hence, Teena Marie. hah! Boy, am I sleepy!

My current obsession: Band of Brothers. I love that series. Damian Lewis is brilliant. I’m going to marry him. Yes, I will. (Like I said, I’m sleepy.)

I went to Knott’s last Saturday with the cousins and the little chickadees, Nevaeh and Tristen, and after riding the X-Celerator, I realized that I have become too old for rollercoasters. I was feeling the aches and the pains, as well as slight dizziness after 2 rides, but it was worth it, because I got to see how much my 3-year-old niece, Nevaeh, enjoyed herself at the park. Seeing her laugh and smile made me very happy.

Well, I’m going to check up on the kids to see if they’re all settled in for the night. Good night.


Finally, some peace and quiet. It was a madhouse today here at work! Phones were ringing off-the-hook, parents were coming up to the counter and paying for tuition. It was going on for about 4-5 hours non-stop, and finally, silence. Thank God. I’m just waiting around for laggers to come and pay and then I’m off. Planning on hitting the gym tonight, but I’m beat and I have an early day tomorrow - 8am, and 4 new classes starting. Longest week of my life? Possibly. But then, there’s next week, with new classes starting every day. *groan*

Je suis fatigue. J’ai faim. J’ai besoin de dormir. J’ai besoin d’une vacances. And I can’t stress that enough. *sigh* But I shouldn’t complain. Praise God that I’m able to work and earn a living. I need to count my blessings everyday.

Well, I have to get going. Bonne nuit. Au revoir.